Will Daz Studio 5 support UTF8 encoding?

For now, Daz Studio does not support utf8, which means, we can not use any asian language in file path or file content. A script also can not read any data file with asian content.
That's a problem.
But, other article sounds like Daz Studio 5 gonna re-code its core. So, will Daz Studio 5 support UTF8?
are you sure about that?
I cannot read it of course but this MMD import has characters for the bone names
I know Carrara displays them too whereas 3DX6 has all ???
I usually end up renaming them before doing an FBX export for that reason
I actually think it has more to do with how your rig is set up to read languages
Even accented french characters in file and folder names (Lake Muirné) are causing problems, but that's nothing new in the world of computing,
How you get these names displayed? If I import a MMD model as fbx file, all those names come into messy code. As you can see in the attachment, all names messed up.
no idea, it just does
but I do know I can load every font in notepad including emojis because I fiddled with my settings, was years ago so cannot say now exactly what I did as I have forgotten.
This is on my Win7
not tried my Win10 with a MMD file
I used the MMD importer plugin BTW
Which does, if I am reading correctly, imply UTF8 support
So, I did a search about "MMD Importer for Daz Studio", which is not available anymore.
It's a C++ plugin, not a script. With C++, it can write its own encoding and decoding component, even Daz Studio don't have it.
Which means, to use uft8 or other asian language encoding, we have to do the same.
Well, it's a way, just not the way I like.
Still, will Daz Studio 5 do this for us? At least let us can encode and decode any kind of characters by script, not a C++ plugin.
it also could be DAZ FBX import doesn't support it.
Yeah this plugin was pulled by its creator and not redustributable, I don't want to be the one caught redistributing it if they don't want it to be, many have asked and if I did it would be likely traced back to me!
I will have to look but pretty sure I have other duf files using kanji too as recall being frustrated not being able to identify props
I cannot search for them though
I think the problems with non-US characters will be a neverending story, it has gotten better over the years, but every now and then you stumble on a situation when they don't work due to some part of the process not liking them.
In the past, even though the non-US characters worked on your computer and they worked on your coworkers computer, if you shared files between the computers, the files with non-US characters didn't open over the share due to the non-US characters in their filename.
It was a pain in the behind to get the users to understand, that in naming folders and files, even though you could, you really shouldn't use any characters that cannot be found on US-keyboard.
Luckily we just have two such letters, Ä and Ö, which within the context can just as easily be understood if the "umlauts" were dropped. (getting nauseous seeing those turned to ae and oe...)
I think somewhere in your windows options you can select a language for programs to support other than English. I'll look around for it specifically and follow up.
I think this problem is mainly but not just on windows, which do not use utf8 as default.
Mac is using utf8 as default. But the problem is, some files come from windows are not encoded with UTF8. So, if the script system doesn't offer encoding/decoding component, even on Mac, we still can not handle those files.
Iclone comes with a full utf8 solution. It support utf8 as default and its python script/plugin system has build-in encoding/decoding functions. So it can support any non-ASCII content very well, not just UTF8.
Daz Studio should do that too.
I assume iClone 7, I only have 6 and below and those definitely don't
Japanese models are all question marks in the bone names
Strings stored in MMD models are in SHIFT-JIS encoding. This is a different encoding than UTF8 and UTF16. SHIFT-JIS is a legacy encoding for Japanese characters that's still used today.
BTW, Daz Studio is built on the QT Framework, and the QString class does store strings internally as wide characters. So, the support is there, it just has to be used correctly. SHIFT-JIS encoded strings must be converted to UTF16 before passing it to Daz Studio, otherwise it will show up as jibberish.
From "PMX (Polygon Model eXtended) 2.0, 2.1 File Format Specifications":
> Pmx Text encoding is UTF16LE or UTF8 depending on the global encoding setting
> Byte encoding for the "text" type, 0 = UTF16LE, 1 = UTF8
As this Specification, MMD model is not encoded with SHIFT-JIS.
But from other articles, vmd motion file is encoded with SHIFT-JIS. What can I say, mmd world is a mess.
Yes, PMX files have better encoding support, as it's an improved version of PMD.
I have the MMD importer installed. It imports PMD, PMX, and X files. String names for PMD are imported as gibberish. These are SHIFT-JIS encoded strings. But, string names for PMX are imported correctly. So, I think you can use PMX Editor to convert PMD to PMX to avoid gibberish names.
I don't use mmd model at all. I do use vmd files. And I'd like to use asian languages on file and folder names.
Understandable, but still not a good idea.
Everything (not just DS) should be thoroughly tested for support, the OS, the database, Iray, the installers, plugins, etc... and even if everything was found 100% working with the asian characters, the 'standard' file and folder names are in english -> If you were ever to sell or distribute anything, the ones buying or receiving the files would throw a fit for them.