Material conversions Poser to DS - a backwards compatibility problem?

SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I'm beginning to wonder again just how compatible not-so-recent D|S materials — especially ones converted from Poser — are in recent D|S versions. Checking over some items I haven't used for a while, I'm seeing a lot of weird stuff; blown-out speculars, glow-in-the-dark reflection maps, bump and displacement in terms of low percentages of fractions of a millimeter... And it's not just default shaders, I'm looking at one now using UberSurface on everything, that produces very different renders in D|S4.6 and D|S3. I can fix some of the more obvious glitches myself, but sometimes I just can't get it to come out right.


  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    Interesting. I haven't run into that but neither have I loaded more than a handful of old scenes into 4+. I've just been surprised that Studio managed to find everything.

    Once DIM came out I cleaned out my main content directory down to not even one file left inside and started completely over. If the product was old (pre 4+ days) and I had a choice of Poser or Studio versions I installed the Poser version into a separate runtime---mainly to not deal with .dsf and .ds files. I load plenty of Poser stuff and it looks better than it used to 'out of the box' so to speak.

    So there were changes most definitely in how materials are interpreted, and I think there are problems anyway with old .ds (and .dsf)--not sure, but it was something Haseltine said that made me take the 'safe route' though he hadn't suggested it. So I'm sure you're not imagining it.

    Sorry, I have not solution to suggest.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    I'm not talking about old saved scenes — this is actual DAZ content loading into a scene, using the D|S MATs supplied with the Poser files. For an example, the Ubersurface items I mentioned included a dull metallic (fuzzy large specular) copper jug, and a dark rough-surfaced metal candlestick. That's what they look like in D|S3, anyway, pretty much matching the content thumbnails. In D|S4.6 the jug is dark and glossy and the candlestick is shiny grey plastic. :-/

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