Usage rights for Ireal Shaders

I purchased [Ireal Shaders] this as a Merchant Resource and was wondering about an issue I found.
Once you create a material file and are ready to distribute it, are you allowed to add the data file to your product?
the sets will not work without that information.
Thank you.
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Why would you need data files, which are geometry, for materials? Or are you talking about something different from what's in the data folder?
That's what I don't know.
But when this shader is used, it calls out for the data file according to my testers.
They have all the material files and textures generated for the sets.
but they won't load without the file "data/Half Life/iReal shaders/iFabric.dsf".
It is a Merchant Resource and I've never had the issue before.
As a shader resource it should not need that.
But it won't load without it.
I just loaded it, and it's a new shader for sure and probably a procedural one that requires the shader info. Which is different then just saying it's a built in shader like Uber. So in short YES you need the file.
This set ? I don't see any indication that is offered as a Merchant Resource.
Do please make sure that the body of your post contains all salient information.
It is in the pdfs included with the set.
Then it is a shader file, not geometry.
I've never had this come up before and would hate to error on it.
I can't find contact information for the creator of the product, or I'd ask directly.
Try the PA's own thread here:
By the way the Merchant Resource question was asked and answered in that thread at this post:
Thank you.