Humanoid Pterodactyl?

Okay totally random question here. I am looking for a humanoid pterodactyl morph, is there such a thing? I am not against paying, as long as it is not too spendy. RawArt has made one that I have not seen yet?
Anyway if someone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it!
You want Sauron? (Sauron from X, not from Lord of the rings)
No I have not made one...yet.
But if my stego-man sells well I am thinking of following up with a whole dino series.
But in the mean time, you could use the "Arm wings" from this set:
With my expansion set:
That has sort of a bat wing that attaches to the arm. It might give you a good start to something close.
I was more thinking of the Mahars and/or Horibs from Burroughs Pelludicar series. Though I would be taking some artistic licence on that because while they are described as super-intelligent pterosaurs descended from rhamphorynchus of the Jurassic. Traditionally they have been depicted as more dinosaur than anything else, but no reason why they couldn't look different.
If I make can bet it will be different than has been done before LOL
You could always do a bit of kit-bashing to get the look you want.
Start by morphing the base human body as much as you think you'll want it to look. That's where RawArt's wings can be used. Then add a Pterodactyl to the scene, and move and scale it so it's head matches placement on the base body. Then hide the Pterodactyl body except for the head and maybe the neck. Then hide the head from the base body. Match the skin using shaders and lighting and voila! One kit-bashed human-pterodactyl creature!
You could have a look over on the Philosopher's Egg site..there's a couple of humanoid vampirish/bat looking figures based on the M4 figure there. Maybe not pterdactyls but possibly useful ?