Transfer Shaping from Gen to Gen8

New to the program and creating in general. I've spent the entire day trying to figure out how to create a Gen8 figure from a V4 purchased figure. There are many video's and posts out there for different methods that didn't work for me and have mixed reviews from other users. I was finally able to get the materails transfered over using:
This addon was able to help with the textures but not the shape, leaving me with a standard Gen8 model with the V4 materials applied.
I need to find a way to transfer the shapeing from the Gen figure that the V4 is applied to over to the Gen8 figure. I tried to save a Shape preset from the Gen figure, but that won't load to the Gen8 figure. I also tried a method where you create a Gen8 figure with a V4 clone and then create the clone into a Morph... But as soon as you remove the V4 clone I lose the shape... I'm hoping there's a simple way to do this that i'm not aware of, fingers crossed. Hope I've explained correctly.
Any advise would be appriciated.