G8M skin gets messed up after merging into a scene, anyone know why!?

Hi, I'v ejust recently started using Daz Studio, been able to render fine but today I merged one of my male character into a scene that had a female character in it and the male skin got all messed up. When I merged the male into scenes without other characters it looked fine. I've attached 2 renders showing the differences, if anyone can help me that would be very much appreciated!

1920 x 1080 - 2M

messed up skin.png
1818 x 1019 - 2M
How are you "merging" them? Is it a subset, material or something else?
The male has the wrong texture maps and UV settings. In the shader tab for him goto UV mapping and switch it to Base Male, or Male 8.1 if that's the case.
It looks more like thw wrong maps being applied - I don't think there are areas lioke that on the face maps.
Does this carry through to a full render? Does it happen if you restart Daz Studio (I have had odd things happen after an extended session)?
I was merging an existing file with the male character and the scene.
Not really sure what happened, but all UV settings were as they should be which was base male.
I found a fix around by remapping the skin to G8M basic and then applied my character's skin again, basically remapping it in this scene and that fixed it.