Feature Suggestion

I would like to see DAZ Studio have the ability to import AVI's or Video Footage onto a Plane or billboard so we could have animated backgrounds. Using the very heavy weighted DAZ figures clogs up my system! Being able to import say for instance animated Alpha Channels would make light work of backgrounds for rendering. Cheers
I don't know if I fully get what you are asking for but wouldn't that be fairly easy in a video editor such as DaVinci Resolve (free version)? If you render the scene with a transparent background and then composite in DaVinci?
Is anyone here familiar with MCasuals's Texture Animator? I cannot seem to create a job list in Wordpad that Texan will accept. I have a primitive plane and I want to put an animated crowd on it in the background.
Everything I tried gets errors! Cheers
PS. I have tried to read and understand the manual but to me, it does not make sense! Cheers