3D Model Inspiration April 08 2022

I've decided that a thread for images or video's I find that in inspire creators would be a good idea, I do hope the mods agree and not delete this lol
First item is this video I came across today. It's for the giant water lily and the close ups give great views of how it looks, also shows how it moves and opens and such. This would be a great idea for a model.
Post edited by Faeryl Womyn on
The Corpse Flower is a fascination plant and this video gives some great close ups if anyone is interested in making this
I wish this video had checked out more of this flower, however the close ups given for the 7 Hour Flower are quite good and would be great for modelling.
Does it need saying? Nah.
Another plant that has excellant close ups for creators.
If you're thinking what I think you're thinking: then it is very worrying!
Botanical elements?
*raises hand*
This American painter famous for her flower close ups
Anyone interested in making a Japanese garden, this video can give you some really good background information, as well as some idea's on how to go about creating one. I will see what I can do to find a list of types of gardens and their descriptions and images to help you further.
Came across this to help with visualizing these gardens.
Anyone want to make an ice cream lock LMAO
Hina Dolls and Ichimatsu Dolls would make for a great item to make. This video gives you some background on the Ichimatsu Dolls, the end of the video Shogo explains how modern entertainment has harmed those who make these dolls.
Is it too soon to think of Halloween products cause I found an idea in this video...
What's the secret of the dolls?
They're all incredibly cursed.
I don't know what you guys are talking about, and probably do not want to lol ...
As the pad opens from its bud {you know, like a flower opening} these plants take over the waterspace. Before it opens even, a whole bunch of shoots go whipping around in the water to clear room for it to blossom.
As for an idea for modeling, I did make one of these several years ago. I gave it away for free. And practically nobody downloaded it. I thought it would make a great lily pad for the frogs that turn into princes. Oh well.
Where is it now, cause I would grab it, must have been made available during one of the times I was offline for a while.
This channel would be good for anyone interested in making historical dance animations
This is actually about an historical dance off
If you're interested in making restaurants from days gone by, this video show cases quite a few of them.
For those who make the critters, both now and from the ancient past, you migth like these videos
I believe someone made the tazmania tiger way back when V3 was the popular model lol, might be time for a new one.
And I stand corrected about that tiger, please check the link that was kindly posted below. Still other great animals in this video if you want inspiration.
This is a really good video on how at least the black capped chickadees moves in slow motion
Alessandro made one more recently!
Oh I didn't know that , must have missed the notice and thank you for the link
Anyone interested in tackling one of these lol
Well here's something I haven't seen in the store.
I have occasionally thought of trying a model of the Milau Bridge, or maybe a single span/twin column cable stayed bridge that could be put in the background of an UltraScenery XT scene. I have it pencilled in for when I finish this rather badly delayed bridge model:
Talking about bridges, here's my beloved one:; it's here in Italy near to where I live. It crosses the Adda river valley, has been built about the same of Eiffel Tower. At the top leve pass cars and people, in the below one the trains.
Edit: the Forum formats shrinks the image's proportion. Here's the link to see it with the correct ones:
As it happens Eiffel did a very similar bridge, the Garabit Viaduct. The Garabit opened two years before the Adda Bridge was started. I can't believe there wasn't some cross fertilisation of ideas.
Of course there was; those was the engineering styles and techniques being developed and used in that hystorical period.