finding foot pose for v4 shoe pak

VicSVicS Posts: 1,273
edited January 2022 in Daz Studio Discussion

can you believe it, cant find it , the product isnt even in my products, (only product bought from daz like that), its only under poser folder, they got styles, materials but no foot  pose, already been searching for a while, can someone help me out please, thank you

Post edited by VicS on


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    Are you referring to V4 Shoe Pack 1? The product is in Poser format, so look for the original materials and foot poses in "Poser Formats/*your library name*/Pose/V4 Shoes". Older products like this, and their add-ons, could have content in Poser Format and/or DAZ Studio Format. For this one, there are four foot poses, one for each type of shoe.

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    I did look there under poser , I found everything but the foot pose, I couldnt find it 

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    They are in with the material presets. V4forHighHeels4in.pz2, V4forOpenToe4in.pz2, V4forShoes1.pz2, V4forShoes1.pz2.

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273


  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Shown is materials under poserformats/mydaz3dlibrary/materials-there is no shoes or materials I can find there

    under pose is secoind image

    third image under figures-I can still not find a foot pose, does your icon say pose, ine are all shoes that does not change the shape when the shoes are broguth onto the feet, see thrird image


    can you take a screen shot of yours for me, does yours have an icon that says "pose" for the foot?

    485 x 2122 - 233K
    1318 x 2136 - 755K
    3270 x 1807 - 3M
  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    Yours is correct. Material presets were using .pz2 poses for a long time, so that is where they are usually located, and that is where the foot poses would be also. Sometimes they might be in separate folders or subfolders. The Figures load the geometry. You have everything you need. Load the shoes from the Figures folder, and apply the pose to V4 for the appropriate shoes from the Pose folder, as I listed above. It doesn't change the shape of the shoe, it sets the foot position of V4. The fit is a function of the geometry and how well it conforms to V4. Yes, mine have the "Pose" flash (and the materials have the "Material(s)" flash), which comes from the metadata if you install with one of the automated methods (DIM, DAZ Central, or Connect).

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Ok found it after some more experimenting, thanks

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    North, I still have never been able to locate the actual poses for the foot for the V4 shoe pak, can you please send a screen shot where they are found on your computer , thanks

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    Look in your second attachment above. The poses are the last four listed items: V4forHighHeels4in.pz2, V4forOpenToe4in, V4forShoes1, V4forShoes2.

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

     I can't beleive I didn't see it says POSE!!!  ok thanks

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