Lost Camera Icon Things again, = Solved, Thanks for the Help!

Sorry to have not been around. Working on a big project. Nilly finished. Thank goodness,
I have lost my camera movement tools again .... gah. I know it's got something to do with those small lines that you grab tomove the toolbars around.
But I can't find the devils anywhere!
They normally live where the vertical red stresk is in the image.
Didn't want to reset my preferences if I could help it.
Any ideas welcome!
cheers from covid country ...

539 x 1170 - 250K
Post edited by Headwax on
is it unticked under view?
Thanks Wendy, i couldnt see anything in the View drop down menu alas.
Thanks for the suggestion.!
'Control-click' in the side or upper menu bar will bring up a menu. Here you can tick or untick the tools that want to be displayed.
Hover your cursor over the empty spot where the icons should be. Right-click with your mouse. A menu should come up with checks for categories of icons that can be displayed in the menus. Make sure there is a check by the camera tools.
RuudL beat me by seconds! Note - there seems to be a difference in what brings up the menu. I am running C8.5 Pro on Windows. I use right-click to bring up the menu check list.
@Diomede: I am also running C8.5 Pro, but on macOS. By default the right mouse button is set to 'control-click', but that is customizable. A left-handed person might have swapped their behavior/function.
In this case the difference in the contents of the menu, being the 'clock', is caused by the setting of 'Show Clock' in the Preferences. On my system it is checked.
thank you @Diomede et @RuudL
really appreciate the quick and delightfully correct answers.
You both Rock! :)
A seriously good forum to be apart of!
I never knew how I missed those little icons...
back soon - one more image to make...
I'm curious about the clock option in yours. How'd you manage that?
under Preferences in the general tab
tick - show clock
I never noticed it either, but it works in my Win10 version. File/Preferences/General/Show Clock. Not sure why I'd want that ...
Danke, that's neat!
for some reason I have the clock enabled, I don't know why
Yup, that's a perfectly good reason.
It does remind me of a funny example of "feature creep" from years ago. Musical keyboard synthesizers have small screens to allow selecting various sounds, control features, etc. Some of the Kurzweil synths had a "Pong" game playable on the screen. A Korg synth had "Breakout". I wouldn't be surprised if some synth now had "Grand Theft Auto V".
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