How to speed up the pose control of a figure ? slower to respond to pose control

Hi all,
It takes a long time in order to change pose of my figure. I don't think that it is a bug ... but more a lack of experience with the software.
I have tried less smoothing control for clothes already, it helped a little bit.
I use mesh grabber and fit control addons; and I have already reduced textures with scene optimizer but I'm not shure about "geometry" (!?).
When I look into the windows ressources CPU/GPU tab, it doesn't do anything, daz3D just kind of "freeze" after trying to move a hand or whatever on my figure before it refresh the pose.
For my scene, I hide a lot of other figures/cloth/props, maybe it kind of overload the software ??
Do I need to delete instead of hide figures/cloth/props that I don't show in my scene ?
Does anyone has a way to speed up my posing control figure ?
Note : I already switch the viewport from iray to somethingelse to speedup the posing but I still have to wait for daz3D to respond after trying to move the figure.
Two things come to my mind:
Interactive Smoothing = on will slow down you posing a lot. Check the clothing's parameters and switch it off:
Viewport settings have a less severe impact but still can cause some slowness:
Sorry to dig up an old thread, but I had the exact same issue and your answer just save my day!
So, Thank you very much cgidesign !