Callia 6?



  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited December 1969

    icprncss said:
    JOdel said:
    Someone in the DAZ office is crowing "Made you look!"

    More like "Made you buy".

    Not without seeing how it renders in 3Delight.

  • ZenrelZenrel Posts: 245
    edited December 1969

    It'll be nice if they add a description of what this model genre suppose to focus on. I'll be on the fence on this one until I make up my mind.

  • KickAir 8PKickAir 8P Posts: 1,865
    edited December 1969

    icprncss said:
    JOdel said:
    Someone in the DAZ office is crowing "Made you look!"

    More like "Made you buy".

    Not without seeing how it renders in 3Delight.
    Ditto'ng this, at minimum. Although to be honest, since we didn't get a simultaneous Cory release, the only thing likely to tempt me to buy would be for a hefty discount on the upcoming Cory bundles.
  • nobody1954nobody1954 Posts: 933
    edited April 2015

    Never bought Keiko, probably not Callie Couple of outfits (outoftouch teddy, Captain Cupcake is too adorable (although it's not a puppy), it could work for a USO show outfit. Two hairs at a reasonable price. In the cart for payday. Will reevaluate then. Budget is REALLY tight.

    Post edited by nobody1954 on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    Toyen said:
    But I understand that cute females with tiny waist and big boobs probably sell so why not : ) Still a very well made character : )

    Did you read the metrics of her boob size? 33.2, not even a 34 bust. I'm having a hard time believing that. She seems more like a 35 UP. And no the waist being slender would NOT make her bust look that huge, nor being 5'5. If they say that's what the metrics say then that system seems screwy.

  • BarubaryBarubary Posts: 1,217
    edited December 1969

    I find it pretty terrible that there are no, not a single 3Delight promo pictures for Callia 6. Instead we get pictures for a piece of software that's not even out of beta. And cannot be used to it's full extend by everyone who doesn't happen to own a Nvidea graphics card.

    But then you get to the fact that those promo pictures are just plain horrible compared to what the community is currently producing in various the Iray thread(s) and the whole thing just becomes embarrassing.

    DAZ marketing blunders we are used to, it's sort of their thing by now, but it's usually excused by decent technical skills. And it makes you fear for what quality of Iray presets we can expect from DAZ if they can't even produce good promos for their own figures.

  • Eustace ScrubbEustace Scrubb Posts: 2,705
    edited December 1969

    Actually, she renders quite nicely in 3Delight. And it's "Callie", with an E. ;)

  • oomuoomu Posts: 175
    edited April 2015

    Barubary said:
    I find it pretty terrible that there are no, not a single 3Delight promo pictures for Callia 6. Instead we get pictures for a piece of software that's not even out of beta. And cannot be used to it's full extend by everyone who doesn't happen to own a Nvidea graphics card.

    But then you get to the fact that those promo pictures are just plain horrible compared to what the community is currently producing in various the Iray thread(s) and the whole thing just becomes embarrassing.

    DAZ marketing blunders we are used to, it's sort of their thing by now, but it's usually excused by decent technical skills. And it makes you fear for what quality of Iray presets we can expect from DAZ if they can't even produce good promos for their own figures.

    no need for an nvidia to use to "full extend" iray. Cpu rendering will give you exact same result, but with more time in rendering.

    Sure, they should have waited 4.8 release but the DAZ marketing seems alright to me. It works.

    Post edited by oomu on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    With the release of Keiko just a couple of months ago, it looks like we have a mini-pattern going on here of the original figure having changed enough to reissue a variant of the first iteration (with much better bends) under a new name.

    Of course, the Girl never actually had a *name*...

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited December 1969

    Whats with the scrawny arms though?

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    It's tradition.

  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310
    edited December 1969

    Barubary said:
    I find it pretty terrible that there are no, not a single 3Delight promo pictures for Callia 6. Instead we get pictures for a piece of software that's not even out of beta. And cannot be used to it's full extend by everyone who doesn't happen to own a Nvidea graphics card.

    But then you get to the fact that those promo pictures are just plain horrible compared to what the community is currently producing in various the Iray thread(s) and the whole thing just becomes embarrassing.

    DAZ marketing blunders we are used to, it's sort of their thing by now, but it's usually excused by decent technical skills. And it makes you fear for what quality of Iray presets we can expect from DAZ if they can't even produce good promos for their own figures.

    She doesn't look as photorealistic as the renders in the Iray thread, no, but she's a toon. Frankly, I don't think photorealistic is what they were aiming for, nor should it be. I actually really like promos, they do a better job showing the textures than the 3delight renders as the rim lights are much less overblown and the sss is less all encompassing.

    Speaking of sss can anyone who's bought the figure comment on the sss maps? I reallylike the look of them based on the promos, but am on the fence as I don't do a lot of toon renders. Also the spec maps, how do they compare to other Daz figures?

    Over all I'm torn. I much prefer Girl 6's head shape, but I prefer Callie's body shape (much softer and more fleshy looking) and the textures are more toony and less uncanny valley.

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416
    edited December 1969

    All the Tiami promos were rendered in 3Delight

  • riftwitchriftwitch Posts: 1,409
    edited December 1969

    Novica said:
    Toyen said:
    But I understand that cute females with tiny waist and big boobs probably sell so why not : ) Still a very well made character : )

    Did you read the metrics of her boob size? 33.2, not even a 34 bust. I'm having a hard time believing that. She seems more like a 35 UP. And no the waist being slender would NOT make her bust look that huge, nor being 5'5. If they say that's what the metrics say then that system seems screwy.

    But the actual size of breasts really depends on cup size; Belle 6's bustline is 31.4, not much smaller than Callie's, yet the difference in size between them is huge. If the measurements given on the product pages included cup size, it would make much more sense, I'm sure. Measure Metrics can give measurements for the chest right below the breasts, so it should be possible to figure out the cup size, if neccessary.

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited December 1969

    JOdel said:
    With the release of Keiko just a couple of months ago, it looks like we have a mini-pattern going on here of the original figure having changed enough to reissue a variant of the first iteration (with much better bends) under a new name.

    Of course, the Girl never actually had a *name*...

    Actually, I think it's fair to say that the trend began with Belle... That said, I agree with the notion of these being variants as opposed to mining completely new figure categories. Of course, since the "unique UV for every figure" pretty much withered away from disuse and left us with the default G2F and V6 textures sets, most of the newer "figures" are basically just expensive morph packs, so the idea of going for the design types that sell the most new outfits and accessories makes financial sense. Sadly boring bundles though, so she'll go on the "buy her when she's 70+% off" pile.

    All that said, she doesn't look bad, and at least there's finally going to be an official male equivalent to The Girl.

  • FirebrandFirebrand Posts: 22
    edited December 1969

    This new character is slightly less offensive the Girl character and slightly more modern.

    It does pick up that Elsa quality a bit. I don't know why they are rolling out with yet another emphasis on "pin-up" though. There should be a much stronger attempt to make a "Story Book" package for this character -- with a proper assortment of PG-movie and childrens book-esque materials/models -- instead of some typical out-dated pin-up/misogynistic view of the character.

    Although it does pick up that Elsa quality, and has less of a jutting chin & less prominent forehead than the slightly more Neanderthal the Girl.. the lips are still a very bubbly and thick, which is a the Girl quality, and is of course another sexualized reference, NOT an Elsa/Anna quality. The breasts are also offensively large by default & this character could have distinguished itself by not being a pin-up, compared to the Girl, but apparently sexualized females sells too much... which perhaps explains why there was never a the Boy character.

    Hopefully, as a trend-maker in the industry, Daz supports a PG and family-friendly character, where childrens' stories artists/writers and Disney-like short film makers, etc, can use this character with a full package of "Story Book Pro Bundle" (non-sexualized fantasy, small breast morphs) instead of the typical hyper-sexxed bundle (garter belts, giant globular breasts, etc). Look at Elsa to see how breasts are done right. The Girl and Callies giant breasts are fine as a perv-morph (since they straight up look like they are floating in air, or breast implants with a totally unnatural look), but are not great from a family-friendly and young-girl-responsible perspective as a default.

    On the other hand, this character is a solid improvement from the Girl.

    And we should support trends to improve characters, even if that is gradual improvement. But I would conclude by saying that as 3D is the way of the future, especially as it becomes more and more automated, as a tool for art, it means that we are now laying down the culture for what will come. There is responsibility that -- when very obviously adapting features from Disney characters and young girl movies -- to set the defaults within a certain pro-female and pro-young-girl framework and to resist the last century of hyper-sexuality female and nominal treatment of men.

    Art does contribute to culture; and culture does define how we think and interact.

    For example -- does every Asian character need ninja accessories prominently marketed? Does every African character need to have voodoo accessories prominently marketed? Or is there room to show those African characters in the BUSINESS ROOM as CEOs for CEO poses? Is there room to show Asian characters in SPORTS poses and with Sports accessories? And is it even possible to have a nearly-children-oriented female character without gigantic breasts?

    Just thoughts and feedback to the community.

    Overall the community is doing a good job; but when there are garter belts and giant breasts on every character, we see that there is a long way to go.

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited December 1969

    As with any character, you can very easily dial up/down any physical values you want more/less of. Both girl and Callie are clearly designed to be portrayed as caricatures, rather than traditional cartoons. Think Jessica Rabbit, not Elsa (ironically, I've been using Girl 6, among others, to create a portrayal of a vampire version of Jessica).

    For what it's worth, I prefer the style of Girl's face, but regard both as simply 'different'. Neither is 'better'. Although, as I say, Girl looks like she can suit most semi-realistic scenes/costumes, whereas you'd need to give extra contextual consideration for Callie, who is more stylised.

  • Mr BowenMr Bowen Posts: 403
    edited April 2015

    Offensive? I just find them annoying because The Girl's breasts do not work that great with small morphs. They get an odd shape. They already have a bit of a flatness on the bottom which doesn't help. I wish they would make separate chest morphs if they are going to make such large breasts on a character. I'd like an option to make it so you could use the body of one character without affecting the breasts. So, this way, they could be more interchangeable. Character creation would be much more optimized. I like the Girl 6, but better control over her bust would have been nice so more variety with more appealing results could be achieved. Using less of Girl 6 works good, but not with Girl 6 at full setting. Hopefully, Callie's are more manageable. The Girl's girls are a bit hard to tame. I don't have any problem with the breast size. I would just like the ability to make them appealingly smaller and not flattened in odd ways.

    Post edited by Mr Bowen on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    I'm still hoping for an honest-to-ghod *child* base target. With at least one G2-based bundle of kid's clothing.

    General sportswear can be scaled down pretty successfully, to a large extent. Anfd that does just fine for kids. We've also had some very nice school uniforms which were aimed at teen morphs, but which could go younger. But about the most recent toddler wear was about gen3.

    I mean, yes, I *know* that there isn't really very much of a market for tiny tots' product. But it would be nice to have more than just a diaper to put on a toddler morph. And yes there are at least two Genesis 1 baby morphs -- but no one ever followed through with a set of clothing for them.

    I agree that there probably isn't enough market to support more than one comprehensive package of baby/toddler gear, but it wouldn't hurt to have that one package available.

    A refit of Mada's classic Moonbaby set for the MilBaby 3 is pretty much what I'm talking about. And with well-defined, shader-friendly matt zones would probably cover about 90% of one's needs for years. Whoever produced it would be selling it for a decade.

  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,801
    edited December 1969

    icprncss said:
    JOdel said:
    Someone in the DAZ office is crowing "Made you look!"

    More like "Made you buy".
    Yeah, followed by "Made you return"...

    And the name's STILL there!

  • Mr BowenMr Bowen Posts: 403
    edited April 2015

    Kind of a butterface...sorry. Body could mix well with others, though.

    Post edited by Mr Bowen on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited December 1969

    ...already have Girl6 and Dolly, as well as a number of morph resource kits

    ...and I don't think Elsa was quite as...ahem..."well endowed".

    629 x 394 - 50K
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    Fisty said:
    All the Tiami promos were rendered in 3Delight

    And Tiami is beautiful, and rendered very nicely. Well done! I noticed her immediately.

  • Mr BowenMr Bowen Posts: 403
    edited December 1969

    Sorry, but Elsa's face is much better.

  • SnowSultanSnowSultan Posts: 3,646
    edited December 1969

    Really am surprised at the unnecessary negativity in this and the other Callie thread. I'll never understand why people feel the need to point out that they won't be buying something...I don't know if I'll be buying Callie yet, but I'm quite sure that no one else cares whether I do or not.

    For everyone complaining about the lack of male figures, go turn some dials and see what you can make. I know you won't be able to make a substitute for Hiro, but you ought to be able to make a very good Freak or David-like figure with the morphs already available in the store.

  • riftwitchriftwitch Posts: 1,409
    edited December 1969

    v.field said:

    which perhaps explains why there was never a the Boy character.

    Actually, there was a male counterpart for the Girl: I don't know how well he sold, but there was never a Gen 5 version him. Or of the She-Freak. Maybe extremely muscular women don't sell well, either.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited April 2015

    Mr Bowen said:
    Sorry, but Elsa's face is much better.
    ...I agree, Just noted it for those who mention her with regards to Callie.

    For everyone complaining about the lack of male figures, go turn some dials and see what you can make. I know you won't be able to make a substitute for Hiro, but you ought to be able to make a very good Freak or David-like figure with the morphs already available in the store.

    Though not a female to male conversion, I did manage to turn "realistic" Teen5 Julie into a pretty reasonable "toon" Merida. (her head and face shape just worked right). Actually worked better than using a toon character as the basis since the chin shapes on most were too pointed.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,677
    edited December 1969

    I'll probably pick up Callie's hair at some point. I do like some of the textures, and might check them out if they can be used without the base figure.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited December 1969

    ...both hairs will work with other G2F characters

  • GoggerGogger Posts: 2,417
    edited December 1969

    I woke up this morning and checked what's goin' on in DAZ-land and saw Callie. I didn't know we were on the precipice of a new character release so was surprised and immediately thought. "Meh". Then I saw the Razor Cut hair promos and thought, "Hmmm..." I wasn't sure what Alani was (Character morph or clothing) until I checked it out more closely. I needed to get to work so I rolled out thinking, "She's Okayyyyyy....."

    When I got home, I checked out the pricing, the bundles, what I might be interested in and started configuring alternate scenario shopping carts. I think I had to put FOUR items from the new Callie catalog to get the discount on the Pro bundle but once I saw the cart total plummet, I tossed my Platinum coupon in and said "WAHOO!" while processing out.

    I agree with a lot of the things people are saying here about her, both positive and negative, but know that I will enjoy her (admittedly with dialed down er, uh, 'attributes' ) for my PG level audience. I'll also be fiddling with other outfits trying to get something on her that is not so risque. I liked the style of her face and eyes so I came out of March-Madness-Numbness/Spending-Shock for this purchase. I'm glad I checked in.

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