Muelsfell Monstrous Ruins [Commercial]

"In ages past, rumors tell that these ruins were perhaps a great mead hall, or a gathering chamber for the wizardry arts. Yet what such place would have so many caged basements beneath its floors, or force its tenants through the gaping maw of a vile visage? No, it is with certainty that these stones were once the location of foul goings-on. And can it be coincidence that for decades these woods have been polluted with nightmarish creatures? Have we stumbled upon their unnatural source?"
Includes ruins with a monstrous mouth and a ground plane, multiple ruins components such as stone walls, a stair, and terraces, and high quality textures.
This set is the second in the series that I'm unofficially calling "The Hag's Forest." Each set will include a variety of props that work very well together. For example, matching groundplanes! The first set in this series was the Muelsfell Vile Mushrooms (thread). The third was planned for April, but unfortunately looks like it will be delayed to end of April at the earliest, but more likely May -- and this third set will be an example of why I call this series "The Hag's Forest." :)
There may or may not be a fourth in the series; it depends on how large the WIP third set gets
I hope everyone finds this a fun and useful set. Personally I'm fond of the "caricature" style face and will be using that one in some of my renders. Enjoy. :)

Cool set!
Thank you! Hope you enjoy. :)
Haven't grabbed it yet - plan to with next paycheck :)
I was thinking it'd be cool to have a stone door rise from the floor... like the mouth is closing... for a Indiana Jones type trap