Looking for a Samus Aran-ish face.

IppotamusIppotamus Posts: 1,580
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Just as the title says, I am looking for a face that resembles Samus Aran from the Metroid series.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Something like this:

Of course there are plenty of images on google as well.


  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384
    edited December 1969

    Well, that depends. Are you looking for something that looks exactly like that already? If so, that's asking a lot, since many may be able to identify a model or character that resembles the picture to some degree, but not necessarily exactly. Are you willing and able to do a little work yourself to achieve the exact look you are after? If so, almost any of the Aiko models sold here will be a good starting point, as most, if purchased with the correct morph packages, have a realistic head morph that removes the oversized eyes and/or head. Starting with the most recent incarnation, Aiko 6 for Genesis 2 Female, I think the promos will give you some idea of what to expect. Alternatively there is also the older Aiko 5 for Genesis, Aiko 4 (needs Victoria 4) and Aiko 3. All should be capable of producing a character very similar through the use of the appropriate morph packages. Of course, each of those have had many characters created for them, but you need to wade through a lot of galleries to find one "out of the box", and there's no guarantee of success. Making your own is the best bet, IMO.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,955
    edited December 1969

    Genesis 2 Female would be the best solution because of how well you can mix different character morphs together to make new looks.

  • IppotamusIppotamus Posts: 1,580
    edited December 1969

    Not looking for an exact match. I am just looking to get into the neighborhood of resembling ... especially the face. I can make small changes to moderate changes, of course. :)

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