How do you prevent ear morphs from distorting hair?

nabob21nabob21 Posts: 1,027


I am trying to figure out how you can stop ear morphs used on a genesis character from distoring the hair. For example if the ears stick out a bit the hair bulges unnaturaly over them. I know I have seen a dsicussion topic on this previously but I can't seem to find it. If anyone can point me to that discussion topic, or tell me how to do this, I would greatly appreciate it.




  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,490

    Select the hair

    go to parameters and click on the hamburger menu in the upper left corner of the parameters (the four lines stapled on top of each other)

    mouse over preferences

    select "show hidden properties"

    Look under Currently used

    then you find the ear morphs dialed in for your character in the hair parameters, dial them out and it should be fine

  • nabob21nabob21 Posts: 1,027

    Thanks nemesis10.

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