how to morph V4 M4 nose

VicSVicS Posts: 1,273
edited January 2022 in Daz Studio Discussion

[how to morph V4 M4 nose] Aside from shapes ++ what is avaialble to change the face? 

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Oh so one place at least the nose be changed is from content library M4 shapes (note:mine says M4 genitals I don't know why and all the M4 morphs all still have the explanation point on their icon)

    but here I have selected arms up and down, the arms have not moved in the view port nor is there a no corresponding slider has appeeared in parameters (I also tried with other icons same result)

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Since this icons do not work and no corresponding slder is created in parameters then my m4 shape++ (or V4) still must not be working? It deos have the explanation point at it's icon in content library

  • As you have been told in other threads, those poses are for loading the morphs into the empty slot in Poser. They do not assign a non-zero value, nor will they show a new slider if you have used powerLoader to load the figure with its selected morphs already injected.

    If you are getting an exclamation mark on the file in the library then that does indicate an issue.

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Sorry I didn't understand I guess, how do I use it, is it not working because it isn't installed right or am I doing something wrong, 

    is there a log to find the issue of all these not fully installed items?

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  • The Sherrif's offise is showing it has an update, which means it was isntalled through Daz Studio itself. That also appears to be true of the Michael morphs that lack thumbnails - right-click on them and select Uninstall, since they cannot be used through that route anyway (and shouldn't allow themselves to be installed).

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492
    edited January 2022

    vic3d said:

    Since this icons do not work and no corresponding slder is created in parameters then my m4 shape++ (or V4) still must not be working? It deos have the explanation point at it's icon in content library

    Don't forget that you need to select the Head node of the M4 or V4 figure to use any head morphs.

    Do that and click on Morphs/Shapes - Morphs++ - Nose - do you see the morph list like in my attachment?
    If yes, then your installation is just fine, and all you need to do is slide those sliders. 
    If no, then you may have a problem.

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    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Ricahard I should uninstall land then reinstall lthrough IM?

    Melaniel, No I don't have those controls.


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  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492

    Hm, well it sounds like a reinstall may be needed. (I'm talking about Morphs++ here, not the other item Richard was talking about)

  • Uninstalling through that menu will remove the Daz Connect files, if they are inded present, and should allow the DIM files to work.

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    I know I did that at  least for M4 shapes++ and it didn't help fix the issue as far as I know. But I will uninstall M4 shapes++ and reinstall both through IM again now.

    just on this product and see if it has helped before I do it with all the products that have those warning signs at the icon.



  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    IM doen't even show I have M4 shapes in IM, funny becasue I'm retty sure I have unistalled it from IM and reinstalled it there too 

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  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492

    Try searching for "Michael" rather than M4?

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    thanks, found them, Should I reinstall everyone?

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  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492

    I would be inclined to reinstall the "Michael 4 Shapes++" and the "Michael 4 Shapes++ PowerLoader" (in that order) - the genitalia and that PowerLoader too, if you want to use them

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    OK I did them all, (it was in the order you said Melanie, the results are the same-warning signs at the icons and new sliders in parameters when m4 shapes icons are clicked

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492

    Those icons shouldn't really be there in Daz Studio - the Shapes++ product has no metadata, so it shouldn't be appearing in Smart Content at all (I don't have any entry for that product under "Content Library" - "Products" - "M".

    What happens if you right-click one of those warning-sign icons? Does it offer you the chance to Uninstall? (If yes, then do it) 

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    It does not give the option to uninstall when it is right clicked

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492
    edited January 2022

    But you still don't see the morphs++ when you select M4's Head? Are you definitely ticking Morphs++ in the M4 powerloader pop-up when you load a fresh M4 figure?

    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492

    Right, I'm sorry but I have to go and cook dinner now. I'll try and drop in later to see how you are getting along.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    vic3d said:

    It does not give the option to uninstall when it is right clicked

    Are you still logging in to DS, or have you changed your startup options as shown in the attachment? 

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  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Here is mine

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  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    vic3d said:

    Here is mine

    Uncheck all the boxes, those checkmarks are causing you problems, the kind you are having. 

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Did like you said Pertti, restarted, there is stil lthe warning sign at the icon but The shapes are there now! 


    Since clicking these icons does nothing I am assuming now that all the icons in M4 shapes++ just show you what is contained in the set and all the sliders for each icon is already available in parameters, no need to choose any icons for these functions- just go to parameters and do it there,  is that the case? thanks


    These warning signs-as long as things are working no big deal or they mus tbe addressed?

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Morphs are not used with the icons, if you have the dials in Parameters and they do what they are supposed to, then everything is fine.

    The warning signs are because you have been logging in to DS and letting DAZ Connect check DAZ servers what you have bought and if those products have been installed with DAZ Connect.

    If you are installing your products with DIM, there is no need to log in to DS (ever) and by logging in one is just opening a huge can of worms.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492

    Sounds like you are back in business yes Well spotted, PerttiA - I've never logged in from DS (my rendering PC is not even internet connected) so I didn't think to ask about that!

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