M4 morphs for the-witch-and-the-warlock applied but no sliders found to vary them

Does this mean there are just no sliders? Don't all morphs have sliders? I just want to apply a small percentage of the morph onto M4

3301 x 1351 - 2M

2953 x 2020 - 2M

3007 x 1800 - 1M
However when I click the ehad there arwe some morphs for that (yeah!),
How will I determine where these mrophs are from, they all the same color and they are not from the witch and warlock as that only has 4 choices
It is great to be able to manipulate ethe head independently of the body, is there a way here to just select the body where only it, and nbot the head, will be changed by sliders?
There are no sliders included because they're not morphs, they're characters which use the shapes++ and creature creators morphs. The pack includes presets for each character which sets the value of the various morphs the character uses, but they don't have a "character slider" like many characters for the genesis figures do. So no, you can't apply only a % of the character to M4 by moving a slider, you would need to change the value of each of the morphs that character used to "<current value> * <% you want>" for that. eg if your character uses "Aged Hands" with value 0.9 when full and you want 30% of the character you set "0.9 * 0.3" as the value of the morph (Yes, I know, that's tedious, especially since V4 and M4 can have partial morphs listed under a body part).
There is no different colors on the sliders because that isn't possible with morphs in poser format. However if you look in the parameters tab though you'll see that there are subcategories under "morphs | shapes". The creator of the morphs packs can setup a subcategory when creating their set, and in that case you'll see only the morphs of that subcategory when you select it in the list.
And no, there's no way to tell a full body morph "apply only to the body and not the head". If the vendor has provided a morph for "full body" and one for "head only" you can remove the head influence by setting the "head only" morph to -1 though.
Ok thanks Leana, so for genesis items there should always be sliders but for M4 sometimes there are not correct?
I will try your method later to change the value of each of the morph it doesnt sound too horribly hard-
thank you!
Originally the V4 and M4 didn't have 'fullbody morphs', but you had to dial everything separately for each bodypart (bone). Only when the first Genesis figure was released, all the morphs could be dialed in from the base figure.
They were released in 2006 (Victoria 4) and 2008 (Michael 4) and the technology has made big improvements since then, they are old and it shows.
For genesis characters it's more likely you'll have a character slider, but not all of them have one.
Creating new sliders for V4/M4 line was very complicated due to how their morph system works. The way morphs work in figures like Genesis makes it way easier, so people started to add those as they made mixing characters much easier.
I do like working with V and M4 becasue they are more like actual dolls but the abilty to change the face on genesis with those 2 CC sets I got is like night and day over M4, if I knew this about the faces I may have bought an M or V4 moodel-
another reason I boguht them is the skin rendered nicer for me and genesis renders nicer than g8 does too for me
V4 and M4 definitely had full body morphs, even V3 had them (never used earlier figures but I wouldn't be surprised if they had them too). But they could have partial morphs specific to a body part too.
Please stop posting multiple threads on your morph issues - it's imposible to keep track of the issues or of what you have been told to try, or how you have answered questions.
ok sorry about that
Last time I used these morphs both the face and body were applied.
I have tried it with just head selected and full body, I have restarted daz too hoping that would fix things.
BTW I did just apply the male morph to M4 , that ful lbody and face does work, just wit h V4 is the issue.
The V4 head morphs are broken. The M4 morphs were made a bit later and have diferent coding in the scripts, probably for a different version of DAZ Studio and DAZ Script. I managed to get them to work by copying bits and pieces from the M4 scripts to the V4 scripts, but I am an experienced programmer, so it wasn't too hard to figure out. Being such an old product, I fear the solution from the powers that be will be to simply pull the product and forego any further support, so I hesitate to send in a help ticket. I'm sure there have been some in the past, but seeing as it has not yet been corrected, no one seems to be too concerned about it.
Merged threads since they are on the same product
to continue with the Aged morphs (which are, in fact, used for the witch and warlock, just not 100%)
Those boxes are for level of detail. Only relevant is you want a different polygon count at lower resolutions.
If you do not load the morphs with the Power Loader, you need to inject them. The Morph Injections folder has whole sets, and there are individual morph injections in the subfolders. Head morphs are accessible from the Head node, not the top level Michael 4 figure. As Leana said, you wil lthen have access to the morph sliders. Yes, it was more complicated in those days...
Back to Aged. The only new morphs with sliders that are included are one for the hands, and one for the head (you must select the head). There is a preset (M4 Aged.dsb) that uses both of them and dozens of morphs from Morphs++ (now Shapes++) to set the body shape.
I did select both the head and the body and try it both ways but nothing. This I am confused what to do-If you do not load the morphs with the Power Loader, you need to inject them.-Are you saying there is a way to make it work just that I have not been doing it the right right way?
If there are steps you can tell me to do it right please do thanks!
Power Loader will read in the actual shape data for the selected morphs by default, adding the sliders to the intended place on the figure (usually head or body) with no further steps required.
The Power Loader is a shortcut to loading several morph packs all at once when loading the figure (M4, V4, and others). If you know which you want to use, check them in the list before continuing (the checkboxes next to the thumbnails). If you decide that you want to add an additional morph pack, go to the Pose Injection folder and add a set, or a subfolder to add individual ones.
That does require that the option to include support for all installed morphs (I can't recall the exact wording) be enabled - otherwise only the specifically selected packages will be available. PowerLoader is doing the work of the DzCreateExPFiles application on load, rather than requiring it to be run after each instalaltion/removal and being adjustable only by installing or removing packages.
Perhaps if you generate the ExP files at every load, the others will not be available, but once they have been created, they are available at any time. If there is no need to generate them again (no new morphs are installed that require ExP files) then you can uncheck the Generate ExP Files to avoid losing them, if that is what happens. I have been using this method for years without any problems. Load a basic M4 with no morphs, inject the sets I want to use, and proceed. Control dials appear where they should.
To be able to inject the morphs something must create the channels. The morphs cannot be injected into a figure that has not been prepared (loaded through Power Loader or loaded normally folowing the CreateExPFiles step).
What can I say? It works.