how to tell if character has a skin and a seperate head morph

Most characters I bought were g8 (for the skins is whjy I bought them) but for older ones do they always come with skin material? and do they always have a seperate head morph indepedent of the body?
Sometimes the materials is quite confusing to tell from the description, they say so many iray materials or materials but do not indicate that they are for the full body, is there a way to tell by seeing the description which materail is the full body skin itself? Some chacters do not come with skin material correct? Just don't want to ever buy one wit hno skin and when it says
- 01 Full Body and Head Morph-does this mean that the head cannot be morphed seperatly? Or must they be klisted seperatly in order to be sure the head can be morphed on by itself?
If a character comes with textures it will almost always have body textures, unless you mean for the Anatomical Elements. Check the read me and then the File List linked from that if you want to be fairly sure about what is included.