I hide the items but they don't get hidden-lites do not turn back on after being hidden too quickly

Shown is whole enviornment I was attempting to hide,  I put it into a group becasue the null it was all parented to would not hide anything when it's scene tab eye was closed-


in order to hide more than one item at once they the way to do it is put them in group right? Is there any other way


What happens with lights  if I delete or hide a lite to check the difference between it and no lite at all , if I undo you would hope that the lite comes back on again but it doesn't , I forgot how but I play with it em enough to get them back on, I think I have to xero the luminance in paramters then undo, thats the only way to turn it on and offquick and efficiently

1678 x 1575 - 855K


  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Still wouldnt hide, couldn't figure out how, so I had to zero all it's surfaces in opacity

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    CTRL-click on the root node to hide all child nodes. Repeat to reveal them all again.

  • I've noticed a significant delay when hiding complex objects in a large-ish scene.  DAZ Studio seems to be re-calculating something and the entries in the Scene UI can be unresponsive for 10 or 15 seconds after hiding something.  I use Ctrl-Click on the eye icon in the Scene pane.  This seems to be new behavior in the last 6-8 months or so.  I could be wrong about that, though.



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