Can You Disable IK Permenantly? (and other gripes)

Hiya, folks. - I'm a new Daz 4 user (4.16), but I've been with Daz for over a decade. My computer imploded a while ago and I decided to finally move to Win 10, which naturally pulls Daz 4 through because Win 10 hates Daz 3.
I'm glad I didn't make a forum post within the first 6 months of using Daz 4, because obviously there was so much transitional frustration, and its given me a chance to really filter my issues with the program, learn to love whats better about it, and ultimately not post a salty moaning post in this forum.
As a speed renderer, I'm very happy with what I can accomplish with this program now, but there are still some very serious issues that I'm dealing with. I realise this could be a message to the tech team, but A. I assume the tech teams can't HELP but know about these issues, and B. I want to check if there's like a simple switch or option i can use to fix these things. --- the 2 issues at the top of the bill are;
#1 Can we undo the undo button not being able to undo stuff you want to undo?
It's really annoying!! - It's like the undo button is now a Bond villain arrogantly deciding your fate, or better yet, one of those Emperors who gives a thumbs up or down about whether you live or die. - The undo button is so unpredictable as to what it will allow to be undone. Is there a way to fix this, or at the very least, is there a method to its madness? Like, are there certain types of actions it does and does record, just so I can be aware of it in the future.
#2 Can you disable IK permenantly?
I... ....HATE.... ...WHATEVER THIS IS. --- I realise it must be useful to folks, but when I click and drag my figure from A to B, the figure has a mild seizure and their limbs point here there and everywhere - which usually causes me to swear LOUDLY because this problem stacks with issue #1, and the undo button just laughs at me.
I've noticed that disabling IK (again, whatever the hell IK is) stops the problem. I can drag my models free, and pose freely without any body part moving without my permission --- but the second I re-load the file or merge the file, IK is re-enabled. --- there's those relevant IK bits and pieces that appear in the model itself, I can delete those to make the model function properly, but they "re-spawn" when the file is either re-loaded, or merged/imported. A little bit like how Default Camera always shows up at your house uninvited and smokes all your cigars, no matter how much you tell it to leave. ---- Anyone know a cure for all this??
#Bonus Issue!! The Unopenably Overweight Files
This is a totally bonus one, it's not Daz 4 exclusive, because I dealt with it for MANY MANY years on Daz 3; does ANYONE know a cure for unopenably overweight files?? --- I've experienced this many times, especially when making animation files, that sooner or later the file will just become bloated and the computer will just suddenly stop wanting to open it. It'll crash immediately, giving an unexpected error. I used to just refer to these as corrupted files (even though Daz doesn't use that term) --- and I guess my question for anyone with more technical experience, is about whether or not these files are salvagable. What is it about an extra large or complicated file that makes it difficult for Daz to open, or is it more about my computer's abilty? The latter of course would make me happy, because it means the file isn't dead, I just need an upgrade, but sometimes it just feels like too many keyframes gives Daz Studio a bellyache and makes the file unopenable.
Anywho, I hope someone can help. If not, just enjoy the chat. Cheers in advance!
View adjustments with Perspective View or the orthogonal cameras (Left, Front, etc.) are not tracked for Undo - that is deliberate, theya re not meant for rendering but for scene set up and you wouldn't want to have to slog through undoing view chnages in order to undo the pose chnage you had made and been moving the view to check. Also, keyboard navigation mover (WASD) to the view are not added to the undo stack - which I do find annoying, but it may be an issue of knowing when to add (you wouldn't want each press added or it would hopelessly clog the list).
Which figure? Moving by the figure node or the root bone (usually the hip) shouldn't do this.
That's hard to say, Daz Studio 4 can store data in the scene file (e.g. simulations, custom morphs not saved as an asset, imported OBJs) and it's possible that it needs more memory to load that than it would to load each in turn from an asset file (the way the base content is set up). It could simply be lack of resources - prepping the scene on load can, I think, require more memory than working on it and loadign new content into it so it is not impossible to have a scene that can be worked on but not opened from save. If that is the issue then yes, a system upgrade might help - at least until your saved scenes grew too complex for that. A workaround is to make a habit of saving presets and Scene Subsets at major milestones, and periodically saving the scene under a new name so you have a series of stages to revert to, but I know from experience that that can be hard to do.