Tutorial for Hair making?

Is there a tutorial for creating hairstyles with the hair tool in Carrara


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited January 2022

    Yes.  Forum participant JonStark posted amazing tutorials and tests.

    You will find one of his test hairs here.  https://www.sharecg.com/v/79903/gallery/5/3D-Model/Basic-Dynamic-Hair-for-Animation-Testing

    You will find links to that Jon Stark resource and other helpful information in this thread.  (deleted, see below)

    Post edited by Diomede on
  • KhoeKhoe Posts: 317

    oh Thanks :) 


  • PhilW have made a full Carrara tutorial for infiniteSkills, there is also a tutorial for Carrara Hair in it but at the end much of it is just a try and error method.
    I've found out for example that if i use Carrara's native renderer the hair settings will be a little bit different than in Octane renderer, for example for thin hair i often have to use a lot of hair counts that the head won't shine through, with octane it is a lot different.

    The next thing is maybe to find your own way of using the hair tool, some people like to make the hair in one Hair Group, i like to use different hair groups for most haircuts.
    For styling itself, you don't need a lot of hair counts as it will just slow down the workflow, for testing and styling a low hair count will be enough.
    Segments per hair should be high enough that the shape of the hair will be more natural, also the hair thickness should be thin enough to look more realistic but thin hair means a lot of more hair counts in the final render.
    btw. the thickness can also be set in the shader room for root and tip. I mostly use about 10% for both, or sometimes 20%, if you make images a bit far away, there is no need for big details and something can be made later with something like photoshop but if you like to do close up portraits, details are very important.

    My workflow is this way.
    The first question is, how complex is the haircut itself, mostly i make different hair groups for different regions like left, right, top and backside of the head.
    Than when i set the hair groups and put a growth region to them, i just add guide hairs as many as i like to have a better control over the hair, i treat them as they are the hairs, thats why i deactivate the show generated hairs option for a faster workflow.
    Short hairs won't need much segments per guide/hair, i use about 25 - 75 segments for them, for longer hair it depends a lot on the length but was already using about 200 segments per guide
    I mostly leave the standard settings, than just brush it the way i want it, use the push tool for 0,01 or 0,02 (metric system), cut the lengh, check the result by turning show generated hair on, turn off again and go on with that.
    That's what i do for my hairs until now

  • rk66rk66 Posts: 445

    Hair Tutorials Series by Jonstark https://carraracafe.com/hair-tutorials-series-by-jonstark/

    Hair Tutorial Series 2 by Jonstarkhttps://carraracafe.com/hair-tutorial-series-2-by-jonstark/

  • BagboyBagboy Posts: 173

    Great tips, Chris Fox Art!  Thanks very much!

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