Morph is succesful-morph slider applied figure blows up

-the person editing model for me uses blender so i exported g8f as blender-the shoe i sent him i also exported as blender-it came in tiny-the shoe i eported as daz did fit foot correctly


this disformation of the morph applied figure happens around 50% of the time so I'm hoping someone can help figure out why so this stops happening.-it seems to happen in any software-edited 3ds and maya also

1394 x 1597 - 3M


  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    first of all is italways ok to always export at daz? why even export as maya when editing in maya often results in morph slider blowing up figure or 3ds etc?

    why did the shoe exported as blender import tiny into blender but daz imported fine?

    is there a  log that can be checked to see what is going wrong when this has happened

    when I wrote it happens 50% of the time I was wrong, it probably happens 85% of the time, I have treid to work with  many people on upwork to help me with editing parts of g8 so I have plenty of experience wit hthe problem unfortunately-please help me once and for all figure this problem out.

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Second person did a quick edit-morph blows up g8-

    if I get lucky and i get sent a one minute edited g8(for the test) and it doesnt blow up-can I have the modeler proceed knowing that since it has past the first test that there will nothing to worry about it blowing up after they really get into the editing?

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    But this one looks quite nice I must say

    1407 x 1632 - 1M
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    You've been told already in your other thread on the subject that this kind of explosion is what happens when the vertex order is not preserved when editing the mesh.

  • As I said in your other post, you cannot share the OBJ files - the other person needs their own license for the cotnent, and can share the finished morph asset.

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