Genesis 8.1 does not match Genesis 8

Hi! I have an awesome model of my Genesis 8, I want to upgrade to Genesis 8.1 because of better facial animation, eyes and other things. I'm saving (as I already read on the forum) shapes, morphs in short you get it... And I apply it to the Genesis 8.1 model. Visually it seems that the model looks the same, but it is not. It looks like it's a lot older in age. I experimented and disabled the HD head to hide the wrinkles (as the original Genesis 8 model does not) in the end it did nothing and still have the problem of age and cuteness, in general, it has changed. What can be done about it? Perhaps there is some other tricky way?
I also have a second question. What is the MOST realistic set of eyes you can recommend?
Also, what set of pre-made skin textures can you recommend for my 18-20 year old character? With smooth beautiful skin.
Thank you.
Does the character use expressions as well as shapes? Does it match when first loaded, before aplying your preset?
Yes, but the thing is that the body looks great, the only problem is with the face, but there I did not apply any individual shapes
Yes to which?
worked a little on the legs, genitals, glutes, and stomach.
What about the questions I asked?
You must have misunderstood me a little bit. When I load a Genesis 8 character shape onto a Genesis 8.1 model . Visually it looks the same (in appearance).
But if you look closely, the model has lost its cuteness, despite the fact that HD has not been applied to the head (i.e. wrinkles, etc.).
So does the difference show in Smooth Shaded Drawstyle or only with textues showing? Click the spheer icon next to the camera/view picker button at top-right of the Viewport.
Yes, it's when I apply textures that I can see the difference. I tried putting facial textures from my previous model on the Genesis 8, and they look completely different.
I assume you are applying a preset for the textures, not aplying them through the Surfaces pane. Is the issue still apparent if you load both figures, 8 and 8.1, into the scene with your character and materials applied?
my steps: 1. save the shape preset of my Genesis 8. 2. open a new project and load Victoria 8.1HD. 3 . Loading shapes in Victoria. 4. I turn off Victoria's head and body shapes, leaving only HD bodies. 5. Save OBJ in higher resolution. as I am working with this in Maya. Then I create and apply materials and I see an obviously huge difference, despite the fact that without materials they are identically similar.
Hard to tell what you mean by "lost it's cuteness". I don't know anything about Maya, but in DAZ Studio Victoria 8.1 and most of the Genesis 8.1 figures use a very different shader than any of the Genesis 8 figures. You're not explaining how you're getting the materials on to the 8.1 figure. If you're clicking on a premade Material Preset from somewhere whithin your content library it should change over to the shader that preset uses, but if you're manually replacing the images into the shader that's already on Victoria 8.1, then yeah, it would look really different. Probably you should post some screenshots at least so folks can see what you mean. Maybe best to include a shot of the material pane too.
Perhaps posting a render of the face each version would be helpful...
I don't use materials in DAZ3d and I don't render in Daz3d. I create my own maps for the character and render everything in Maya. I attach a picture (outside) it's Genesis 8. And the same Genesis 8.1 model. You can see a huge difference.
It feels like the face has completely changed and asymmetry has appeared. P.S. I left the HD from Victoria 8.1 for the body only. Everything else is disabled.
I also want to point out (at that time if you think that this is because of the eyebrows and eyelashes) I did with the same eyebrows and eyelashes, nothing has changed:)
Out of curiosity, do you own VO Xiao Mei?
Your comparison images don't compare - we need to see them with the same lighting and camera and camera settings. It would help to see Genesis 8 Female adn Genesis 8.1 Female in the same way.
you can check this
They look the same to me, except for the lashes.
No, they are completely different. Even if I put the same lashes, it doesn't change anything.
The one on the right looks heaver and fuller in the face
You're absolutely right! He looks full in the face and heavy! Why is that? What can be done about it?
And how about the base figures? We keep asking this because sometimes a character is saved with a non-zero default value, meaning it is applied when any character based on the figure is loaded. If it was a Genesis 8.1 female character then you would indeed get different results based on which figure was used.
What do you mean? I just tried to make a copy as I wrote + I just added Victoria 8.1 today to remove her shapes and added my figure (head and torso) fapes. But it didn't give me any new results.
I'm not following what you are doing, but what I am asking for is a similar pair of images for the plain Genesis 8 Female Base and the Genesis 8.1 Female Base
That's why I asked about Xiao Mei: she is (or at least was, I don't know if she ever got updated) one of the figures that imposed itself on the base figure.
Yes, she was updated to fix that.
Try using the UVs for G8F ("Base Female") instead of the UVs for G8.1F.