Natural Looking Light Falloff ?
in The Commons
What lights can I use with iRay to give natural appearing light falloff? Like, sunlight coming through a window into a room will brightly light up whatever's closest to the window, and will gradually fade the further into the room the light travels.
Have you tried a mesh light? You have to get the settings just right though or it is kinda pointless This reason is why I miss the functional pointlights with light falloff that 3Dl has.
The Sun is sufficiently distant that there is no discernable fall-off across a room's width.
What you're seeing are shadows from under the windows being made brighter by diffuse light (lighting bounced off multiple surfaces within a room); so it's the opposite effect of what you are thinking. Light is additive.
IES Lights my friend!
This is just a small sample. They are intended for interior lighting but I hav eused them in the way you have suggested in combination with volume photometric effects with great results.
Here is one of my set designs using nothing but IES lighting.
Nice set design. I was a union set-decorator for movies and TV for a while. Do you think this product would do the job?
I hadn't seen that product before, from the description"
I would imagine...most likely! I've put on my wishlist for when it goes on sale.
I have more that 2000 IES Profiles from various places...all free.
With 2000 IES Profiles, how do you find what you want?
Thanks @charles , for letting me know about IES Profiles. Miraculously, when I type IES into the search box in the DAZ store, I get the lighting products that contain IES profiles. 2 products look like they will do exactly what I need and
I ran this small script on the Profiles which produces a thumbnail showing the light and how it will be projected.
It can do a whole folder and sub-folders if needed. Just point it at the folder and it does the rest :) Then choosing which one is the test as a lot of mine are from lighting manufacturers and mostly look the same but are set up for their bulbs :) I have them for incandescent, fluorescent, spot, street, neon and led's etc. and have them in folders that tell me what they are for so easy to choose.
Pretty Cool Stuff
Fauvist: Thanks for asking the question! I've learned a lot from this and now have more tools in my Art toolbox!
Thanks for that link, I hadn't seen that thread before and that script is extremely helpful!