Is there a way to see my scene in viewport in detail before rendering?

Are all models/props/etc always in super low detail while setting up a scene prior to rendering? I dont notice mistakes or things I dont like until I start the render process and then I cancel and go back for editing and repeat the process. I just assumed that this is how it is for everyone but Ive seen some ppl have high detail models in theyre viewport before rendering. How can I do that?
On the top bar there are a couple of cameras. The one closer to centre is for "spot renders." With that button selected, with your mouse select and drag an area that you want to see rendered. If you want to be able to save spot renders, then also select the uparrow beside it, then on that pane select 'new window.'
Thanks so much I appreciate the help!
Now im stuck with the spot render widget thing and cant get back to being able to select my character for moving or posing. How do I change it back?
Select a different tool, probably the Universal tool, from a toolbar or the Tools menu