Slowing Down Animation

In DAZ Studio 4.16 is there any way to slow down a figure walking? I am trying to get an animated figure wading through water! I have tried going to 60 FPS but this does not seem to work! Any suggestions are helpful. Cheers


  • are you rendering a movie or an image series?

    you need to do the latter then use a video editor at the frame rate you want

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • cridgit said:

    csteell_c2893e4ab6 said:

    In DAZ Studio 4.16 is there any way to slow down a figure walking? I am trying to get an animated figure wading through water! I have tried going to 60 FPS but this does not seem to work! Any suggestions are helpful. Cheers

    Wouln't increasing from the default 30 up to 60 FPS speed it up? I would have thought you need to reduce FPS to slow it down. 

    a second is always a second and there are 60 of them in a minute cheeky

    a video will always render the length you set it to

    but if you render at 60fps and do an image series then open that in a video editor (I use Blender or Hitfilm express) and have the project set to 30fps you get twice as much footage so 60 frames is 2 seconds

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • nothing

    the more frames a second you render the more you can slow it down as you have more footage

    300fps can give you 10seconds

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    cridgit said:

    FPS = frames per second

    So if I have 60 frames to render it will be 2 seconds at 30 FPS or 1 second at 60 FPS

    What am I missing?

    Slow motion footage is shot at a high frame rate, so that when it is played back at the same frame rate as the rest of the footage, it looks slower. The speed of footage is determined by the ratio of original frame rate to playback rate. 30FPS footage played at 60FPS would look faster than shot, and reverse would look slower than shot.

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • Many thanks, everyone.Cheers

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