Lost Mouse Cursor

Hi everyone...
I am lower than a noob in here, so forgive my ignorance !!
My mouse cursor keeps dissappearing right in the middle of trying to learn stuff..
(Still lost in all the screens 'cause I'll accidentally hit something, click or key and mouse @ same time sonehow- Accckk)
Anyway, when my Mouse Cursor vanishes (and I mean it becomes "invisible" becasue I can still see the things highlight as I mouse-over them), What the ??? may I have hit on the screen or why would it do that?
I end up having to "ALT+Tab" my way through it all so I can shut the program down and try opening back up again (and the Mouse Cursor has come back).
Any Ideas?
<signed> "frustrated" - LOL
Opening a menu will, as I recall, bring it back but this bug is fixed in teh current Public Build (beta). If you haven't used a Public Build you will need to get the free product from the store.
Not any menu, it has to be one of those inside the Viewport, the View menu is the easiest to hit.
Thanks Richard... I wIll get back in that ina fews days...
Thanks for th input!
Just so you know ... the mouse cursor disappears when you (usually accidentally) click both left and right buttons at the same time.
...on certain of the Viewport controls.