Solid State Drives

Has any one here installed a SSD on the machine to work in carrara and Does it speed anything up including rendering?
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Has any one here installed a SSD on the machine to work in carrara and Does it speed anything up including rendering?
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I have an SSD on my Desktop PC as well as my notebook
It speeds up booting Windows7 and starting applications but it can't make your renders faster. Rendering is mainly CPU or GPU power dependent providing you have enough memory on your machine or GPU
Overall your system is more responsive and I think that SSD are more reliable than classic HDD.
It seemed faster but not "night and day" faster. Then again I have not been animating as much and I keep my scenes as light as possible (my renders rarely take more than 1 minute). Any significant change would be truly felt on larger scenes where some data is offloaded and reloaded from the harddrive (virtual memory) or animations (repeated writes to hdd).
I added an SSD to both my computers and left the original HDD inside... You can get a smaller SSD if you set your USER to live on the old HDD. Then you can typically decide what gets stored on the SSD since most files/downloads would go to the HDD. There is a trick to getting this to work. Search around online.
Well one thing did just cross my mind. Sometimes SAVING will take minutes even 5 minutes for large files I would imagine that will be down to seconds on a SSD...... I have read a lot about this and as far as rendering the answer is yes and know! IF you dont have enough RAM that carrara needs SSD s will help!
And since i am STUCK with carrara 8.1 pro most every time i click in the timeline it crashes so have to save constantly so a SSD will help there AND force quit reopen!
Hi Richard
I have 120 gig sdd drive with windows and carrra and photoshop elements loaded onto it.
Everything starts very very quickly.
But you have to be careful what you load into it as it also gets full very quickly.
I didn't realise you could install programs on drives other than c till I bought this
Gah :)
The SSD in my system is responsible (94.35% certain) for crashing my system regularly. Sure, things load a smidgen faster...but it is not worth the hassle in my opinion. I'd rather invest in extra processing cores and RAM.
Also...SSDs die spectacularly fast. Unlike the old spinning rust disks that die a slow, sputtering day an SSD is working...the next it is a doorstop. So be sure that important, volatile files stored on it are backed-up elsewhere.
I have cloned from my factory 1TB 7200 over to my SSD to run it as my startup drive and am having all sorts of weird issues. I have not narrowed any of that down as I am STILL getting new machine up to speed, But something tells me all the glorious promises I have told on macromurs are over inflated...
Could be the cloning software. Is it up to date for the latest and greatest OSX version? You just got the computer, why not just do a clean install instead of cloning?
I also got Tech Tools Pro, Snapz and both do not work on 10.8! TTP I was told would up to 10.8 and it is not! TTP works SOME but the total package and the tools I use are not working yet and they admit it.
I am getting very discouraged at HOW NOT up to date with mountain lion!