Keyboard keys not working (only in DAZ Studio)

For some time I've been ripping my heair out trying to figure out why certain keys just don't work in DAZ studio but work everywhere else. CTL key, for example. DEL key. Several others. So simple things like CTL-Z no longer works at all. Deleting items requred me to right click and make a menu selection without the DEL key working. Driving me nuts. What do I need to do to get the keyboard working properly again? I never customized it so no ideal how it got mucked up in the first place but really hoping someone says it's an easy and quick fix.
That sounds like an issue with the session layout files, which store the UI configuration on closing Daz Studio. Are you closing DS normally or are you using End Task to close it? Reloading the Layout (Window>Workspace>Select Layout) or actions (Window>Workspace>Customise, click Import, and select Actions) should restore things if this is the issue.
This worked. I lost all my custom actions (grrrr...) but I did get the keys working again at least.