Looking for a PA or Non-Published artist making dforce hair

Hello, could a published artist or non-published artist creating dforce strand-based hair contact me, if they are reading this?


  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,272

    I'm reading this ;)

  • VEGAVEGA Posts: 86

    I hope you don't mind a few questions... Is it true that only PA can create dforce SBH? So could regular SBH be converted to the PA's dforce version or it's not possible?

  • Don't forget that only PAs making content for the store can produce dForce hair.

  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,272

    No problem :)

    Yes, that is true. It is proprietary, like the HD tools.  So it's not really possible to just convert the hair over to dforce, unless you have Published Artist status.

  • VEGAVEGA Posts: 86

    Oh, okay. So you can create regular SBH model and them as a Published Artist change it to dforce if you decide to. Thank you for replies.

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