quickest and easyest way to restore morph values

so i have a door with a morph, which sets the angle at which the door is opened/closed.
now i want to set specific values for this morph, when i render scenes with the door, i want to be able to switch between morp values i used before.
what is the quickest, easyest way to save these morph values so i can go back to them when i need them?
writing it down is chaos; saving a pose preset creates a bunch of files.
Is there a way within Daz Studio to save one morph value (or more values) for one object (say the door) or even multiple objects, which i can then easily select from a drop down or something?
or is the only current way to save morphs is by creating pose preset files?
Post edited by RichardM on
You can memorise one value (Edit>Object>Memorise>Memorise Selected item(s) Shape if theya re literally morphs) and restore via Edit>Object>Restore>Restore Selected Item(s) Shape, but that can't handle multiple possible values. You coudl set up keyed ERC to give a slider that would step through different values, perhaps.
none of those options sound good; i dont know what ERC is, but if the slider is like any morph slider, i'd be blindy going through the slider looking for the correct value. as for the memorized shape, if i need 3 positions for a door, memorizing one would also not help.
i've gone with creating a bunch of preset files for each position of each object in each the scene.
it's not far off from having a dropdown in daz with all the stored poses "or morph values" but it's close enough.