Why is my clothing getting horizontally flipped when I use transfer utility? Driving me insane!!!

So I modeled a uniform in sketchup. Exported as an .obj. Imoorted it into Daz. This is where the problem starts. The Blue axis on the original sketchup model which is the vertical axis in literally every modeling and rendering program in the universe except Daz, in Daz becomes the front back axis and the model imports as if it was laying flat, face down on a floor instead of standing up. In the import dialog I tried every differnt combination of switiching, Z,Y and X axis but the closest I can get it to normal has the uniform aligned correctly with the Genesis 8 figure, but the Daz red axis is flipped. The only way I seem to be able to fix this is to select the uniform, then set the X Scale to -100 to then everything is aligned correctly.
However, once I use the transfer utility to morph the uniform to the Genesis 8 figure the fracking uniform flips back to an inverted red axis!!!! WHAT THE HECK!!!!!
Two questions...
How the heck do I import a model made in Sketchup, saved as an .obj to Daz starting off in the proper alignment?
Two how do I stop the uniform from flipping horizontally when using the transfer utility?
When using Transfer Utility the base model (without morphs or other seettings) is adapted.. so the clothing is adapted with a positive X scale of 100.
You can:
When Importing you must set how axes are placed in Sketchup:
If the model looks inverted, under the Lateral X activate INVERT POSITIVE DIRECTION to flip the model
I'll give it a try and let you know if that fixes it. Thank you!
Numerous modellers, including Modo and Lightwave, as well as sculpting applications like ZBrish use Z forward. As Kainjy says, adjust the settings - then save a preset, which will apply the correct adjustments in both the import and export dialogues with a single action.
It didn't work. I did select all those boxes you put red arrows on and it had no effect.
Here's what's happeneing. My original import settings as shown.
What do I need to change to get the Red axis to import flipped?
I did find another soultion. I changed the orinetation of the uniform in sketchup back to the one matching the Genesis 8 female I imported to sketchup to use as a fram to model the uniform. I still don't understand why the Daz X, Y, Z coordinate system is differnt than anything else. This seems like a basic level screwup by the original program coders. All other 3D programs universally use the blue axis as the Z axis (vertical). Why on Earth Daz has the Bllue Axis as the depth axis (forward, to back or depth) is beyond stupid and very frustrating.
I'd still like to know why the INVERT POSITIVE DIRECTION selection has no effect.
The orientation of the axis depends on how the developers viewed the world, was XY plane the ground plane or a window you look through at the world.
It isn't different from everything else, it's differnt from the Autodesk applications and some others. There are two coordinate systems in common use, right-handed and left-handed. Daz Studio uses the same as modo and Lightwave (which are the applications Daz traditionally used), ZBrush, 3D Coat (I think) etc. Use the 3D Studio preset in the importer and that should get the orientation right, then adjust the scale if needed and save a new, Sketchup, preset for future use.
I know it's open to interpretation, but people who don't use Y for up/down are objectively wrong.
This is all so infuriating. Nothing I do works. I've tried every suggestion. I can not get the bloody model to import in both the correct position and WITH UV mapping intact. I can get it to import into the correct position or move it into position, but then I loose UV mapping an my materials go to hell. Or when I use the transfer utility to parent the uniform to the Genesis 8 female the bloody uniform flips back again or glues out of position. It's unreal. No matter what position I put the model in within sketchup prior to export as an obj when it gets imported into Daz it's in the wrong orientation. Is anyone willing to take a crack at this and see if you can get it to import into the proper position? I'll send you the uniform .obj. Why is it so hard to import with UVs then get the clothing item to transfer onto the Genesis 8 figure in the same fracking position it was in before you started the transfer utility??????????????????????????????
How the hell can you lock the coordinates so when you execute an asset transfer Daz doesn't change the position?
If you have problems, post your file here and I'll try to check it and tell the correct import settings
You are probably from United States.. I'm Italian. In my country X & Y are the horizontal axes and Z the vertical one. This is a national common standard.
Like driving in the left/right seat
Yes, same here in France.
Please post a screen shot of the import option dialogue in the version that gets the shape right but loses the UVs - I suspect all you need to do there is enable the relevant checkboxes in the lower part of the dialogue (certainly those on the left but you would usually want Read Surfaces too).
I think that was a joke. I mean, it has to be a joke... In the same post they said something was open to interpretation, then they said it was objective.
Thank you to all who replied. I have thankfully solved this. The UV loss was in my export settings, in the end this was operator error.
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