I gotta convert V4 character morphs to G8F ... HELP?
in The Commons
Here I go again with another impossible challenge ... I gotta convert V4 character morphs to G8F ... HELP?
I know there are scripts that might get me there, but lately, those have been hit or miss. Plus, this is a charity client, so no funding. What's the cheapest way, if not a free way, to do this? I want to use my Bodies Of Fantasy (no longer available in-store) morphs for V4 on G8F.
Has anyone tried the instructions SY posted to the forums some time ago? If so, how did it work for you?
I converted some morphs.
Actually I'm working on semething like it...it's in review phase in the R store.. maybe in a week or two will be out if you can wait.
I use another method.. almost same of WP Guru on last videos.
Tell me if you need info
Yes please ... need it right away for a very pushy client, lol. Shall we PM?
Ok send me a PM