How Do You Disable GO-TO Poses ?
in The Commons
How Do You Disable GO TO Poses? I have a prop lounger-chair, that has a set of poses for G8M that go along with the chair. I place the chair in a room in my 3D house, and I place Genesis 8 Male at the chair, and I click to apply the sitting pose to fit Genesis in the chair, and G8M goes flying through the house to the ZERO coordinate - which is 3 rooms away from the chair. He is in the proper sitting pose, but I have to drag him through the whole house and find the chair to sit him in. Is there any way to apply the pose without it flinging the character across the house, so the pose applies to the charater where the character is already in place?
Just hold down the shift key when you're applying the pose. That'll bring up a menu to let you selectively turn off the translations & rotations.
I tend to just let it translate and then move it to zero once applied though. I am lazy.
I'm no expert but I have few things that come to mind.
Option 1
1. I have several go-to poses, but usually they also come with the place-anywhere version. Check if you have those.
Option 2
2. Apply the pose to your character and save the pose preset without the root pose.
2b. for this when the save options come uncheck the general box (it includes the transforms and scale options for the root pose)
2c. Apply the new saved pose to you character. It should apply the pose without moving the character from its current location.
Option 3
3 Load both the character and the chair in the zero coordinate.
3b. While you are selecting nothing in the scene tab, create a new group.
3c. Using the scene tab drag both the chair and the character into the group you created.
3d. Apply the pose to the character
3e. Move the group to the room of your preference.
Option 4
Similar to Option 3 but instead of creating a group, just parent the chair to the character or vice-versa.
How are you moving the figure to the chair? Don't use the hip bone as that is likely to be reset by any pose, use the figure node instead.
I think that should be the CTRL key (not shift). I use it all the time for this problem but some of the alternatives listed above seem worth a try. Bit of a nuisance having to re-save the pose or jump through other hoops for such a simple requirement and I still don't know why the PAs insist on either moving the figure back to World Zero or to some other place of their own choosing. Please just let us pose in place.
I think you explained further elsewhere (in another thread) that we should use the root to move the figure around the scene and the hip to adjust the pose once in place (for example, move down to rest on a chair)?
I think (!) it might work to create a "new null" (Dropdown menu "Create" -> "New Null") at the spot where you want the figure to be, then parent the figure (and the chair or whatever..) to that "new null" and apply the go-to pose to the figure. Being parented to the "new null" should (!) keep the figure from getting moved. And it allows to drag figure and chair around at the same time...
Interesting. I would say, set that chair to the world center (everything following the chair together) through below script, then apply the pose.
Script Link
Yes, the hip should be used only for local adjustments like that, not for world-placement