Have Michael 4 Base - cannot load Navarre Clothing on Model


I bought the Navarre clothing before reading the fine print "Navarre is a noble outfit for Michael 4"....

So, I bought the Michael 4 Base, but I cannot get the Navarre clothing applied to the Model of Michael - What am I doing wrong?

Did I get the wrong Micahel? (It was too expensive for me to by the Michael 4 Pro bundle)

Please point me in the correct direction or let me know what I did wrong

Thank you


  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,502

    Rememer that Navarre is a texture set for the Valiant clothing set for Michael 4  (https://www.daz3d.com/valiant-for-michael-4) and the Morphing Cloak (https://www.daz3d.com/m4-hooded-cloak).  load those first onto Michael 4 and apply the Navarre texture.


  • TCR-3TCR-3 Posts: 16

    Ok great & thanks Nemisis !!!

    It did not exlain that well in the basic descriptions (Where do you find that more detailed info?)

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    Unfortunately, many, many links to Required Products for older items were lost with the last store change over a year ago, and there does not appear to be any effort to restore them. You have to read between the lines to see just what you are getting. The description and what's included can give obvious and/or subtle hints ar to what is there and not there. If only textures are mentioned, that's a good indication that no clothing or figures are included.

  • TCR-3TCR-3 Posts: 16

    Thanks !!!

  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,502

    In the text below the main image, they describe it as a texture set....

  • TCR-3TCR-3 Posts: 16

    Thanks all - Got the missing componets and am appyling them the the model

    I am however havinf trouble with attaching the "knee" (Shinguards)

    If I "fit" them to either Michael or the pants (either way) they are still hidden behind the pants (unlike the photos displayed)....

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    The pants and/or knees probably have an adjustment morph for that case.

  • TCR-3TCR-3 Posts: 16

    Thank you Leana !

    I'm still trying to figure my way around in the parameters "trial and error"...

    I'll try that specifically

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