Smoothing character after using off limit pose


I have recently a problem with posing. You see, I am trying to do some artistic poses, that are technically humanly possible, but require extreme training. In the DAZ studio the limits are set lower, than is humanly possible. So, when I make pose where, for example, is character touching his head with his legs, it is humanly possible, but model gets deformed pretty badly after limits are set off. Is there some function or plugin that is able to solve this for me, so I have less postproduction? One thing that works is exporting model as OBJ, applying smoothing in Cinema 4D and import back, however you lost all figure settings and morphing abilities this way. Is there any other?

Thank you and have a nice day!


  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    You can try using MeshGrabber or DFormers in the right spots to fix the parts.

    I guess you are using G8 for that, its rigging is atrocious, that's why I use G1 which got a way better rigging.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    It might be worth disabling the limits on the JCMs as well, although I don't know if they'll follow the pose after the initial limit.

  • Imago said:

    You can try using MeshGrabber or DFormers in the right spots to fix the parts.

    I guess you are using G8 for that, its rigging is atrocious, that's why I use G1 which got a way better rigging.

    I tried Dformers, but it gives just partial results. MeshGrabber might work, did not try and i will. Btw, I am using G8 because I have most props for it, so It might be easier for me to solve this for G8 :) But thanks, i will also try with other figures, if makes better.

  • vladymirpain said:

    Imago said:

    You can try using MeshGrabber or DFormers in the right spots to fix the parts.

    I guess you are using G8 for that, its rigging is atrocious, that's why I use G1 which got a way better rigging.

    I tried Dformers, but it gives just partial results. MeshGrabber might work, did not try and i will. Btw, I am using G8 because I have most props for it, so It might be easier for me to solve this for G8 :) But thanks, i will also try with other figures, if makes better.

    Well, mesh grabber worked well. Just got it while discount. So this was good one guys :) Thanks! 

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