Daz imported everything at 50% scale

Hi everyone,
Been trying to work on a Daz product that I finished weeks ago but still havent managed to set up correctly in DAZ as the tiniest problems keep emerging and the only solution seems to be import everyting again and start all over.
Anyway, the latest problem is I just forgot that DAZ imports Blender objects at .5 the scale for some reason. So I've set the entire scene up (more than 200 objs) in the exact correct position and group but everything is .5 scale.
And all I can think of have everything in a group that is 200% but shrinks to half size the moment a user takes it out to actually use, or re-importing and setting the entire thing up again , for like the 4th or 5th time. I'm probably not going to do the latter again, so thought Id ask if there anything I'm overlookng to rezise everything without throwing off their positioning, or should I just forget about selling daz products?
thanks everyone
Or you actually use an import setting that puts them at the correct size.
I assume you import obj.
If it comes in at 50% size, double the value you have in the scale field.
Yep, its just annoying that EVERY other softawre imports at the proper scale. SO MANY TINY things in this software and, of course, only way to fix is to REDO THE ENTIRE THING! Be far too easy to change the scale like in Blender!
Thanks for absolutey no help though :) Great comment!
yeah it says 100% but still comes in at 50%. Annoying cause I modeled it at scale and didnt realise it had imported at 50% until after I had set everything up, exported and tested on a laptop with with a figure loaded.
OBJ has no scale, it uses abstract units which different aplications treat as different values. Many use the meter, but it isn't universal. Daz Studio uses the centimeter. The scale in the import options is relative to Daz Studio's own scale, units are centimeters. If it's loadign at 50% of the intended size that means the OBJ is using one unit as 2cm, which is weird.
If you have 100% set in the parameter but your obj comes in at 50% then set the import scale to 200%.
Captain obvious here, the import options have a blender preset.
If the scale in blender is set to 1, it should import correctly with the preset.
Using the default 'box' exported from blender, with default scale at 1, the import option for blender loads the 'box' properly, as a 1m cube.
The black cube is the import, the white/gray is a primative created in DS with a 1m size.
They're exactly the same size.
So the 5000% associated with the blender preset is correct, if using default 1 scale in blender.
If you've changed that setting, then you'll need to adjust accordingly.
Rather than re-importing everything and starting from scratch, you should be able to select everything, create a new group with all items parented to that group, and scale the whole thing together. Then unparent all items from the group and delete the empty group if you don't want them grouped.
It appears the Blender import and export scales are still wrong. A unit in Blender is 100 cm not 50. The developers got it wrong because they failed to notice that when you create a cube in Blender the program is asking for the radius so if you input 1 you are creating a 2 meter cube.