You think you don't need a porta potty, and then... [Commercial]

And then you do a concert render or state fair, or maybe a ball game or construction site. You might need one if your going to help clean up the Himalayans. All I am saying is everyone.... needs one now and again. No shame in that.

1538 x 2000 - 1M
Post edited by Chohole on
You do raise a very good point.
There never seems to be one around when you really need it...or your child needs it...or your spouse.
It's props like these that keeps everything a tad more interesting XD
Great work AntFarm :D
I think it's fair to guess that the vehicle traveling behind this one is carefully obeying the minimum-four-car-length safety rule.
I see some strange stuff while driving, I would stay clear of this one. : )
That TARDIS theme is clever. :)
Where's all the Potty humor? Come on guys It's tax season we all need a good Laugh. I need some LOL with a side of ROFLOL.
Ha Ha, we don't know why little Jimmy refuses to use the toilet.
I have to admit, I think this is awesome. A few of these lined up in the back of a medieval render gives it a whole different feel... :)
Anyhow, I think props like this take the piss out of anyone claiming all DAZ sells is skimpwear!
...also, until you put this out, I had never, ever seen the word 'turdis' before, so...that's...something. ;)
-- Morgan
If you keep praising AntFarm he will start flushing.
I remain hard at work crating the obscure and unusual.