french scrypt for light dome PRO-R

ender434ender434 Posts: 6
edited December 1969 in The Commons

hello everyboby
I ve just installed light dome PRO-R in daz 4.7 and work with photoshop cs6 64bit but in french version(under windows 7).
I ve watched the tutorial on the product page.And it is said that light dome PRO-R has to be used with an english version of photoshop.
so i m not able to finalize the import of the LDP-R in photoshop. i have the 7 images from" O fog to 7 mix " and the action "combine" does appear in the scrypts window(in french) but the process can 't go to the end.
IS there someone who can help me to have french version .
the file name in the download section is: Light Dome PRO - R (Photoshop)
Thanks for your help.


  • XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102
    edited December 1969

    I had the same issue with the german version of Photoshop. But since I have Photoshop CC, I could simply download an english version from Adobe. This is not an optimal solution because I prefer the german version, but the scripts are working now.
    Too bad that Dreamlight does not offer localized versions of the scripts, or creates scripts that work in any language.

  • ruekakaruekaka Posts: 346
    edited December 1969

    I had similar problems with a german version of PS. The problem in the action I wanted to use was that Layers where named as Ebene.
    Attached a short description how I solved this problem (Screenshots taken from a german version of PS6).

    1848 x 2000 - 256K
  • XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102
    edited December 1969

    Thanks ruekaka for that detailed explanation. I have to admit that I do not have a clue how Photoshop actions work, but is it possible to open the whole action in a text editor or something else and change the names there? Would be much easier and faster.

  • ruekakaruekaka Posts: 346
    edited December 1969

    It's not a text file.
    If you have a Hex-Editor you can try to change this on a copy of your action file, but I do not know if it will work after changing the file that way.
    I have only an english version of PS, so I'm not able to test it.

    613 x 544 - 41K
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