When creating a Character Preset the MR Lash and Brow Get lost.

Can anyone please suggest what needs to be done so that a custom character preset loads from the Actor file with Lash and Brow attachements?
When I tried to save a character preset of a G8 with Merchant Resource Brows and Lashes attached, the resulting Actor file loads with no Lashes or Brows. The head and body morphs as well as the skin created in Skin Builder 8 all worked in the new Actor file but not the brows or lashes.
P.S. I do know that Skin Builder 8 can add these Lashes and Brows but jsut liked the other sets better.
The brows are Beautiful Brows II and lashes are
Also curious what the difference is between a Character File and the Actor file.
Thanks in advance.
You need to edit the associated script, which handls loadign the add-ons
Character Preset: you can save your figure (without clothing) with morphs and materials, so the figure won't have lashes/brows and will be in standard pose (won't memorize the pose)
The Actor is like character Presets but includes the clothing/hair.. so lashes and brows are saved. Users can't directly create a new actor, so if you need to save your figure, save as SCENE SUBSET (the scene subset can save even the pose.. be aware !).
EDIT if you have programmer skills, you can create a new Actor file manually editing an existing actor file with notepad)
Thank you both for the info. I appreciate the help.
OK, so a script can handle the add-on like lashes. I will work on figuring out the script language next. That shouldn't be too hard if I can find the right docs.
It's seem odd that Save As -> Character Preset creates and Actor labeled DUF file as opposed to a Character labeled DUF. What is used... I wonder... to create Character labeled DUF files? I suppose some super secret tool only available to employees of Daz?
BTW There is very inconsitent behavior between my Actor file, the Victoria 8 Actor file (wich actaully loads with lashes attached but not brows) and others purchased on the Daz store the load with both lashes and brows like Alabama HD for Sydney 8 from Mousso and Rosita 8.1 from Jessaii?
I figured out the setting of the Actor / Character label but this did not affect the inclusion of Brows or Lashes in any way.
The labels Actor or Character are the Content Type which cannot be changed when using Save As -> Character Preset which actually creates an Actor not a Character file however; this attribute can be altered in the menu option Save As -> Support Asset -> Figure/Prop Asset under the Set Content Type drop down list.
The Figure/Prop Asset process for a G8 takes very significantly longer to run BTW. Perhaps because I have too many characters and morph prdocts from the Daz store because it seemd to be parsing them all one-by-one though only 2, my custom body & head morphs were actually used.
Character appears in the Content Type list twice; under Actor->Character and also Preset->Character (Actor only appears this one time)
From the list of Content Types, I have tried all 3 possible options, Actor->Character, Preset->Character the finally just Actor.
Actor and Actor->Character produced an Actor Content Type
Only Preset->Character produced a Character Content Type
None of the options accomplished the objective of one file that includes the Brows and Lashes when it loads like Alabama HD for Sydney 8 from Mousso.
P.S. Save As -> Scene Subset does allow the Brows and Lashes to be loaded with the Character however; the resulting file is labeled as Content Type of Set. I have not seen any Daz store Character presented like that.
Have not found anything in the Wiki yet under API or Scripting that suggests the method to attach brows to a loaded G8 using a script. Most of the Wiki info seems geared at inteacting with the CMS data or UI.
@jay Richard Haseltine's answer above is short and to the point. Here is some additional detail to help understand what I believe he is describing.
When you save as Character Preset, the dialog that pops us has a section for Post Load. Put a checkmark on Post Load to select it. Then click the >> button on the right side of that line to pop up another dialog (Post Load Settings) where you can specify items to be loaded after the character shape and materials. When you enter this information and Accept the dialogs, an "Actor" preset will be created. I've only done this to load eyelashes. I imagine including eyebrows would be done in the same way. There is and Add Item button at the bottom of the Post Load Settings dialog. I attached a screenshot to help. Click on the attached image to view it larger to see the text better.
I am not aware of any documentation from Daz on how to do all this, but there may be some. Richard Haseltine would probably know. As you hang around the Daz forum, you will find that Richard is a tremendously knowledgeable resource.
That worked perfectly. Can't miss it with the screenshots included.
I got both Lashes and Brows loading as desired.
The second attachment was much less tedious to add in a text editor via copy-paste once I had the example syntax inserted by the UI.
Thank you both for the awesome help.