Advanced automation


Is it possible to automate Daz3D in the following way:

1) add character
2) add hair
3) add clothes
4) pose
5) save

and repeate let's say more or less by randomly selecting objects (I don't expect and random function in Daz3D, but I could resolve this in different ways).

And finally when I have several files render them in sequence.. I expect to either have a scene that would be the base for that or would even have the script to add lights, cameras, etc (actually take some from the packages I have)...

Is this possible and where should I start looking? I have (a lot) of professional coding experience, and I took a (short) look at scripting documentation but it doesn't seem like there was options to add stuff to the scene from the content directories... Or I missed it.


  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    Could you do this?


    Would it work?

    A little, but not in the way you would want.

    It would look more like content salad than a coherent scene.

    I can practically guarantee that the pose and the character positioning would need to be adjusted.

    Depending on what clothes, the fit would need to be adjusted for the pose and most likely the character shape.

    Given it's flaws, it could be a fun toy to play with though.

    Almost like a "Make Art" button. hehe (the long time users here will get this)

    Defining what items to use from each category would bring you closer to a complete and coherent scene than what was randomly picked from your entire library.

    Not sure if it would ever make a usable scene. Having said that, never is a long time, and that's a lot of random selections.There is a non-zero chance of that happening at least once.

    What was that saying about the monkeys being given typewriters?

  • Scripting could do that, mostly using the DzContentMgr and some DzRenderMgr.

  • IceCrMn said:

    Could you do this?


    Would it work?

    A little, but not in the way you would want.

    It would look more like content salad than a coherent scene.

    I can practically guarantee that the pose and the character positioning would need to be adjusted.

    Depending on what clothes, the fit would need to be adjusted for the pose and most likely the character shape.

    Given it's flaws, it could be a fun toy to play with though.

    Almost like a "Make Art" button. hehe (the long time users here will get this)

    Defining what items to use from each category would bring you closer to a complete and coherent scene than what was randomly picked from your entire library.

    Not sure if it would ever make a usable scene. Having said that, never is a long time, and that's a lot of random selections.There is a non-zero chance of that happening at least once.

    What was that saying about the monkeys being given typewriters?


    I don't want it to be COMPLETELY random. I want to have a set/list of stuff that can be added. But don't get attached to the randomness, what I wonder is can I add all that stuff to the scene and have the dforce simulation run and render it with the least possible interaction from me.

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