Interesting Idea

Just came across this thread over at the affinity forums.
A lone Carrara user suggesting Affinity (Serif) buys Carrara and actually do something with it rather than keep it in stasis.
Will add my voice later to the thread.
Worth a look/thought/comment I think.
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I'm not that sure they have abandoned Carrara yet.
How much resources does DAZ have for software development and how long have they been working on DS5?...
Is DS5 going to incorporate techniques used in Carrara?...
Thanks for the input PerttiA - yes of course Carrara is not abandonned yet.
Best to leave the conversation as it is while there is still a conversation to be left at ;)
Very diplomatic.
I think the best would be if Carrara became open source.
in my very personal opinion Afintiy seems to be much invested in Apple products, whenever I see that in a company, eventually their products become very limiting and closed as is Apple ecosystem. Again, this is a very personal opinion and I may just have had bad experiences which may not apply to the majority of people. My wish is that it would be so great if Carrara did find a home at a company, that would be open minded and would develop Carrara cross platform (Windows, Mac OS, Linux) with love.
Judging from the lack of any input from DAZ 3D regarding Carrara, I suspect it is abandoned project and is collecting dust somewhere in the basement. I see that recently Daz Studio has got volumetric rendering, I guess there is no staff available to develop Carrara.
I am curious though. how much would it cost to buy out Carrara from Daz 3D?
But seeing how much Blender grew through the years and how much better and easier to use it became, nowadays it is a very tough competition for any 3D software.
Would be great to see the legend of Carrara continue though.