Changing Genesis UV's in Carrara. A "How To."

Just discovered this as I am starting to use Genesis 1.
I never seem to know what Uv's I want to use when I start designing a character as I have plenty of character shaders from m4 V4 k4 etc.
Pretty simple steps.
1) drop in a (eg) genesis child.
2) Shape the child to my character. Let's call him Reginald.
3) If I then drop in a V4 texture on Reginald it won't align as you know.
4) Save the Reginald's Geneisis character Morph using NLA>Creat Master Pose (That tidbit courtesy of Dart) and call it "Reginald" so you know which one it is when you want to reload it.
5) Drop Basic Female Genesis onto the Reginald child character.
6) This will change Reginal's shape to Genesis female but also the UV's will change. As will the shader of course.
7) Select Genesis and use the NLA Master Pose you saved on the Genesis figure.
8) Presto, your figure Reginald comes back.
9) Drop in any V4 texture you like and it will be aligned.
I'm pretty sure this works because I've tried it quite a few times.
Told you it was simple!
Thanks. Much appreciated.
That is very interesting, thanks!
Does this only work if you want to assign older UVs to newer characters? Or, can you also put newer into older?
Thanks Ted and UB.
Not sure on the newer onto older UB?
It works with m5 onto genesis child but they might be the same age.
By newer what figure did you have in mind?
Maybe this also works with nemorize figure and restore in the animation menu?
Will check it tonight
Thanks man, this might come in handy! I wonder if that could work on G8.1 to G8. No time now, but i'll play around later. Thanks for the tip
You said that you could put older V4 UV's onto Genesis. Can you also put newer G2 or G3 UV's onto Genesis?
Pleasure. Let us know how you go!
Now that would be grand.
Not sure about that as it must work by dropping a moph target (eg basic female) onto Genesis also brings along it's (V4's) UVees - and I assume g2 etc has a different mesh? Maybe not.
One way to find out :)
thanks for the tips @Headwax , I just use PSE22 to make 'em fit the mesh.. hmmm
pleasure - a tip born of laziness :) Mind you, working on PSe22 skills never hurt anyone :)
just checked
this also works if you memorise the figure and then use restore (Both under the ANIMATION drop down menu) to get your Reginald character back after applying the new UVees\
I kinda remember being able to load a (raw) Gn1 figure in DS (that Carrara plugin :^), apply the desired UV (any you own), and save that duf, then load that duf in Carrara to good effect. Maybe then save that as a Carrara preset for easy future use?
This implies that the Carrara lib/runtime is the same, or has the same content as the one used in the DS process... The UV information files probably need to be available to both.
Not near a DS/Carrara computer, so can't check the whole workflow right now.
Yup, you're right. that's pretty much what I do. Select the uvs in the Surfaces tab, then save as a Material preset
oh great - thanks for confirming, perhaps this will be useful to future users!
Add to that, that I'm pretty sure that the V5/M5 UVs are the same as the Genesis2 base M/F UVs, so you may be able to use the above process (load/save a Gn1 with a V5/M5 UV) to use G2-baseF and/or G2-baseM skins on your Gn1 figure. YMMV.