- Need help with bvh retargeting

Is anyone using the free app for full body motion capture?

I was able to load a video file into plask, etxract the animation successfully, export as bvh and import into DAZ on a Genesis 1 figure. But then the animation was an absoute mess! My guess is I didn't retarget correctly before I exported the bvh. Problem is, I'm a total newb to retargteting.

Anybody had success with this process?



  • The base rig plask uses is not compatible with the base genisis rigs i dont believe. You might be able to export the animation to mixamo and then from there retarget it back to genisis 3. Other than that you would need to do manual retargetting using some other program like blender or mia etc.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    edited February 2022

    works fine with iClone retargeted in 3DXchange


    not too bad BVH export from that to Genesis 1 but Genesis 3&8 have those pesky twist bones

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
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