Nyota for V6-G2 Coming Soon... (Commercial)

My new girl for V6-G2F.

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My new girl for V6-G2F.
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Oh wow can't wait. I love Aneta by you. You do great textures.
Oh, lovely mocha-esque texture :)
Lovely. And that name always reminds me of Star Trek. I will certainly buy her eventually.
Oh, Thanks!!
I'm really excited about Nyota...
I'm still working on some of her fantasy makeups. But she's been a lot of fun...her morph came out really well, I think. So she hasn't really been a hardship to work with. :D
Not like one I was wrestling with recently...my word. (*Eeep*...) :D
Why thank you, very much!! :)
I didn't even trip on the name for like three days. I knew I had heard it---but it's a Swahili name meaning "Star"
So...I'm gonna get my Trekker badge pulled for this, but then it hit me, OH>>> Lt. Uhura's first name...
You just didn't hear it that much on the original series... it wasn't until the later movies that they really used it.
Some more images...
Stunning facial structure. I just want to pet those cheekbones hmm will she bite if i do?
I love your work. Of the several bajillion character sets I own Isolde is by far my absolute favorite one. The sheer amount of options you gave us with her make her so very versatile.
Oh, thanks!!
Yeah, I've always been really fond of Izzy... :D
If you love Izzy's options, you're gonna love Nyota, then. She's got 15 different face options, 11 eye colors, 8 eye reflections, 5 different eyelashes, 10 lip color options---well, 9 and a lip gloss. So she's got plenty of options to play with. :)
damn you gypsyangel, another instant buy!!! At this rate, I'm gonna be in the poorhouse LOL
I think you should change your vendor name to "InstantBuy". :D :D
You're one of the very few G2F creators who give us such awesome "fantasy type" makeups and so many of them. And as you know, I'm a total sucker for that LOL
OH! I'm sorry!! :D
Well...with her, it was brutal. I had to make myself quit. 15 face options are certainly enough. :D I could have kept going, though. She's such a pretty dahlie that I wanted to keep playing! She's got so many options right now...and the ones I took out because it was getting into the realm of the ridiculous.
I just...don't see the point of boring characters. Like her makeup? Every bit of it is original and you won't see it anywhere else. It was all custom made for her. They're all new. I make characters that *I* would buy. When I put one out, it's because I would pay for it. Otherwise it doesn't go anywhere. I've got three archived right now (V4 and Genesis2) that I didn't feel were good enough to ask people to give up their hard earned money for. Maybe someday I'll drag them out and see what I can do with them---or cannibalize their parts for other characters. :D But I wouldn't ask people to pay for them...
Oh she is gorgeous! The fantasy makeup options look great and realistic, not flat layers like I see on many other characters. You're definitely my favourite character artist!
Oh, thank you!! :D
Yeah, she came out pretty good...
I think maybe because they are custom designed for the character that they don't look like a merchant resource slapped down on her face.
And too there's really no rhyme or reason to them...no particular color theme or anything. Just playing. :)
She's going to be out this Saturday....so, you can snag her then! :D
And thanks!!
I quite like that angelic render of her! She looks great and will be, if not an instant buy, damn close to it! Will you be doing another male soon as well?
Very, very cool renders, great job friend
Oh, thanks! :)
As for males...well...keep your eye out...May be something.
Do I have plans for another one? Not at the moment. There are "issues" I have with the G2M model that frustrates me to no end. Because of that, it's easier to work with the G2F. If I can get this problem cleared up, did be happy to go back to doing male characters again. For the most part, Iowa like them. They're more fun to look at, at least for me. :D
Thank you, so much!
Got her, as well as Atticus and Apollo :)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand she's MINE!!! ALL MINE!!!
er, I mean, I snapped her up just now. *cough*
which means there are now only 3xG2F gypsyangel girls I don't have.......a pretty cool goal to have. *laughs*
So which ones are you missing?
So which ones are you missing?
Hmm....Adrianna for Gen2F, Mystics and a new one, Aneta.
Aneta looks gorgeous, but she only seems to have 2 fantasy type makeups (judging by the promos), so the wishlist goes like this:
1. Mystics
2. Adrianna (love that tattoo!)
3. Aneta
Never fear, I shall get there in the end!!! :D
OH! I forgot Toni!!! LOL.
edit: Btw, love that image of her sitting on teh chair :D
You're very welcome, GA and thankies muchly for creating such beautiful characters :)
So far I have all your male shapes and need to complete the females ;-)
Beautiful character! Just bought her
Thank you!!
I had fun making her. I got to a point where I had to stop making makeups for her, because the number of them was getting absurd. :D
Gosh I think you are very under rated here I have known u and your quality for some time, the eyes have it, you are a perfectionist,don't u ever lose that. Exciting stuff
your friend,
Awww...thanks, Ron. <3 </p>
You know I've always been a big fan of yours... :)
I'm right now trying to decide...torn clothing? Or trees? I'm thinkin' trees... Torn clothing in the wishlist. :D
"War Child"
A new render with a sneak peek at makeup on my new girl. Nyota is wearing it because the new one is shy... :D
Psych. No, she's not in rendering condition, yet.
Nyota, still on sale!
Now that looks intriguing!
Now that looks intriguing!
Sorry, I didn't see this sooner.
You can see the new one here