Turing Shaders GTX what one?

Okay so I have bothered you about this a lot of times, I scoured through the discussions to see if its all ready been discussed. Do I need GTX 1660 Nvidia, no turing shaders, or should I go up one to 2060 turing shaders and iray, I am not really bothered about Iray because of all the hassle people tell me about the little rotter, just need a good basic machine nothing too expensive. Looking at 500 pounds to 800 pounds, seen one on PCSpecialist, I don't understand Partpicker ;( so here I am again, may be this will help others as well.
What is really annoying me is that we know have the all silver Gold Medal Windows 11 arghh do we need that, after we struggled with Windows 10 plus Daz doesn't like the taste of Windows 11 is it going to upgrade and make me think why didn't I go for windows 11.
Once again I thank everyone for their advice, time and absolute patience with my constant questions x Andrea
So how do you render, 3Delight?
Sorry Richard yes 3 Delight
Well, the GPU woulds till be used by dForce (if you use that) but the CPU is certainly the most important part.
If you're rendering in 3Delight, the GPU is nearly irrelevant, as Richard mentioned. Even if you wanted to render in Iray, the budget you're working with probably couldn't get a GPU that would do much to help with rendering, so again, you're best off focusing on other specs.
Thanks for your help Richard and Gordig, I am correct in thinking CPU the Computer ie. more RAM better process, and GPU Graphics higher graphics better power to the processor. So if I didn't need Turing Shaders would I be okay with a GPU 1060? or am I still looking at buying the 2060. Although I am thinking may be I will buy the cheaper graphics card, and add another card graphics card later .
Unless you're gaming or doing something else that would rely on the GPU, you're not gaining any benefit from the 2060 over the 1060. If you're only rendering, and only doing so in 3Delight, then the GPU isn't doing anything besides driving your monitors and enabling dForce simulations. It's still not really clear what you mean by "Turing shaders".
Thank you Gordig, so the Turing Shaders on Nvidias latest buzz word, or latest creation and I don't know whether I would benefit from that. One quick question would Genesis 8 run reasonably well on a 1060 graphics card, is it more RAM that I need to concentrate on to get the best for Daz, and the rest of the things I want to run, ie Hexagon (although I never understand it, lots of tutor kits to look at), Carrarra again this is something I need to study finally Bryce. Will they also run fairly well on a 1060 graphics card? Thanks Gordig sorry to be a pest, computers are a learning curve for me.
The 1060 will have absolutely no effect on anything you do in DS outside of dForce simulations, if you use them.
Right I don't really understand d force yet, because when I try to applyit my lovely computer goes into melt down so may be I will go 1060 for now and upgrade later on thanks for your advice I will get more RAM instead because I know a little about RAM and its potential to make things in the computer run better.