Information about render time connected to your images!

jaxtonejaxtone Posts: 73
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Please add how many seconds, minutes, hours or light years your render swallowed when you add photos into this forum. Also add your computers speed and CPU power, graphic board information etc...

It´s totally out of interest to just see nice images without knowing what capacity the render process in DAZ are capable of!


  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    Could make posts a bit over-bulky including all that information. I can't see this catching on as a trend. Better for people to ask about specifics if they see an image, that way it keeps down clutter and the artist could also give specifics on how they set up the image.

  • jaxtonejaxtone Posts: 73
    edited December 1969

    I actually posted this comment to a thread where a new program update for DAZ where the main issue. Didn't mean that all threads should have a crave to define technical aspects since people might just wanna share art as well.

    Personally I am mostly allergic when it comes to white papers and technical mumbo jumbo but when a thread specifically discuss new versions of a software I guess it´s more important to define the technical aspects as well!

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