Daz Studio and OneDrive Concerns

Haven't used Daz Studio for awhile and when I did I wasn't syncing anything to OneDrive. From what I remeber it installs a lot of stuff to your documents folder and since I keep that folder synced with OneDrive now I'm concerned it will fill up my OneDrive storage quickly.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    By default the content folders are in the documents folder, but you can install your content somewhere else without problems.

    What method do you use to install your content?

  • I used Daz Central before.

  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    Your content library will very quickly grow in size.

    That could mean downloading GB of data from the OneDrive server in an average days use of Studio.

    You sure you want to be uploading and downloading that much data?

    An external USB drive like the "My Book" works very well.

    I've been using them for years for my content libraries.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    In the corner of the screen in DazCentral there should be a cogwheel icon which enables you to open DazCentral settings. There you should be able to change the install path so it doesn't go into Documents.

    Once it's done you will need to change the path to your content directories in DS preferences so DS knows where they are.


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