Fantasy Footware & Sensible Shoes

In my opinion the biggest fantasy element in may of the products for DAZ 3D is not the dragons, elves, vampires, zombies and other assorted mythical creatures we use in our images, but how we expect our heroines to be able to deal with them in the footwear provided!
The latest is "Woodland Huntress" for G2F. (see attached images).
I LOVE this outfit, but how our poor lady is supposed to hunt anything in woodland with heels like this strains credibility beyond the fantastic!
I mean, stilettos? In a forest? :ohh:
I am NOT picking only on "Woodland Huntress" - very many outfits of all kinds "fail" just because characters wearing them simply couldn't run, walk, or (in some cases) even stand.
If my ninja assassin is going to drop-kick her way to glory she is going to need heels that won't break!
Other items of clothing can also strain credibility, and their fabric, beyond both belief and the known laws of physics!
Certain "upper torso" items would have to be made of steel or better to remain in place for any movement more than a deep breath.
Yes, I have tired using "sensible" elements from other outfits, but they usually don't fit well (stylistically) with the original.
Also, there are not that many "sensible" items to choose from!
Not every female wants to wear combat boots in every situation! 8-/
And yes, it really only applies to outfits for females.
Michael and his peers do not seem to have as many problems with their outfits.
Make of that what you will!
OK - rant over! :cheese:
I am constantly amazed at the quality of the designs available in DAZ 3D and am often disappointed that can't use them because they just don't make sense.
All I'm asking is that designers don't "ruin" great outfits with elements that the characters themselves couldn't live with.
I DO NOT want only sneakers and sports bras - the fantasy element is critical, otherwise you may as well do a photo-shoot.
If there's a big demand for "unreasonable" elements maybe designers could provide alternative items or a morph/adjustment to bring the more outrageous elements towards sanity?
(Mod edit: Poll removed as polls are not allowed except in special cases with prior authorization from the Moderation Staff.)

A morph that would allow you to change footwear from "stiletto" to "sensible" would be a WONDERFUL thing! I have also refrained from purchasing an outfit because of the lack of realistically applicable footwear . On the other hand, the outfits that are presented WITH "sensible" footwear options have gone into my shopping cart immediately right along with any texture sets for those outfits that are available simply because I can use the footwear with other outfit choices. The only problem with this is that I am still very limited in the area of footwear for my female characters. Vicky and friends have plenty of pumps, sandals, ballet flats, athletic shoes, and boots with sky high heels but they have very few footwear solutions for running through the woods to hunt dinner, chasing bad guys through urban streets, saving the Galaxy, or generally kicking butt in a post apocalyptic wasteland. It's a good thing that Mike and company do not have this problem or else there would be nobody around to carry the ladies home after they sprained or broke their ankles in the pursuit of the above mentioned activities while wearing crazily high heels.
This is a heart -and ankle-felt plea: to all you wonderfully talented content creators who work so hard at making things , can we please get some sensible heeled but still attractive boots? Or maybe a "save the ankles" morph that will allow us to adjust the heel height? If such items were available they would end up in my shopping cart so fast that my credit card would not even have time to whimper.
I like sensible outfits. Save the cheesecake for courtesans and exotic sorceresses.
Sadly this is the Comic book / Manga/ Video game/ Movie affect. The "lets put our females in impractical clothes and physics defying poses to titillate our teen age boys and sell products".
It took decades for those mediums' back lash to finally sink in and convince them that they were alienating half of their potential fan base with those shenanigans. It doesn't help that anytime someone tries to have a topic on these types of portrayals someone insists on jumping in and starts slinging retarded labels at people because they don't want their fun changed.
I honestly wouldn't care a fig about all the skimp wear you see for females IF there were equal male counterparts.But you have a better chance of seeing Jesus than equality on those fronts :-P
That was my long about way of saying I fourth the suggestion for a plug in that lets us adjust heel height foot angles.Or heck even something that would allow you to thicken or solidify the heels would help (like wedge heels).
Impractical is fine to a certain degree-- or even incredible degree for sorceresses and ladies, but female warriors should have more sensible armor and footwear options. I don't have a problem with oodles of impractical armor suits so long as there are plenty of practical armor outfits to go along with it. I'm specifically looking for a low-detail chestplate that leaves the collar and stomach uncovered but covers the entire chest. An addition to the practicality-- practical armor and warrior outfits should have a minimum of loose clothing parts. Don't want to snag your waist sash or draping armwarmers on something or give your opponent something to pull you close to them with. This applies to male armor as well (tunic is no problem, but if you're going to have something like arm/wrist/leg ribbons, then at least make it a non-essential part of the clothing that can be hidden without ruining said clothing piece.)
And yes, please give the shoes sensible/heel morphs. This goes great both ways since impractical footwear lovers who want higher heels can now make them higher, and those who hate platform shoes can turn them into regular heels or practical shoes :)
From one of my webcomics, I have a lady warrior who doesn't put up with chain bikinis (although, admittedly, I DO omit the helmet).
^^Most fantasy/comic girls only wear crowns, anyhow. About the only vital part those protect is the temples. So a warrior chick without a helmet is no big deal. hell, plenty of male knights don't wear one.
I do luvs the crowns, though.
I have read the above comments and am smiling... I'm not sure if any of you know the old 70s show WONDERWOMAN??? I commented to my husband a while back that when Wonderwoman was just standing she's in bootheels... but a soon as she has to fight... you take a look... all of a sudden her boots are flat! Very bad editing... but it's quite noticeable. Proof again that a woman can't fight in heels. LOL... So I forth... fifth... erm... sixth??? the sensible bootheel request!
I did take a look and found non-heeled G2F warrior/rogue/huntress/ranger fantasy/scifi warrior/pulp adventure/sports outfits from the following vendors (note that some make mostly heeled shoes, but have at least one non-heeled model)
4Blueeyes (though the majority don't come with shoes)
Midnight Stories
Nikisatez (note that only two of his battle/action outfits are not heeled)
Shifting Images
V3Digitimes (unisex outfit)
Note that I generally did not look at fairy outfits unless I looked at the product list of a specific vendor, and I haven't gone through sports outfits yet.
Here's a further list that excludes skimpwear-only and impractical armor/etc-only vendors. Bear in mind of course that the definition of skimpwear is subjective.
Arien (Misaki, only, which is mildly skimpwear-ish)
Midnight Stories (Mars Explorer is the only non-skimpwear outfit)
Nikisatez (pre-workout outfit, only)
Shifting Images (fantasy armor accessories, only-- though Leather Fantasy outfit and Battle Kimono aren't bad)
The3dWizard (Mech Girl is just a touch skimpy, though second-skin pants fix that)
Val3dart (generally she only makes skimpwear, though one of her outfits is not *Mythbell*)
Arien has 3 or 4 non-heel models, though they're either Asian or impractical (e.g. Manga-Anime Battlesuit)
So if you want to look for G2F fantasy/scifi/action wear with flat footwear, simply check off those names alone, though I recommend not checking Arien, and instead looking at his vendor page since all of the outfits he makes with Bobby25 are heeled.
For added bonus, here is a list of male skimpwear vendors: (this includes underwear, towels, and shirtless or partially shirtless outfits)
Cake One
Fisty (so far just Sebastian's Outfit)
Midnight Stories
Tentman (Wild Hunter, only)
Agree with everthing here. I'm all for the appropriate footwear for the occasion.
Might I suggest 2 things as alternatives a morph.
a) Design 2 different versions of the footwear.
b) Couldn't the footwear be designed as a high heel *and* have a few matierial zones so they could either be made as a wedge heel or even a flat heel. Perhaps even a matieial zone for the sole.
IceEmpress, Agree with everything you and others have said.
Will, The helmet got knocked off in the battle.
** what sensible female or male puts on their "dress" shoes to work on the farm or cut grass in the yard **
I avoid products with heals like this; a story is about believability; and well, I just don't believe.
I don't think anyone can really argue with against sensible shoes or full coverage female armor in general. Sure there's a fantasy subculture that want that but for most, the more realistic the better.
As an aside though, Dallas Bryce Howard (or her stunt double) manages to run exceptionally and surprisingly well in heels during Jurassic World.
The exception that proves the rule; presuming there weren't a few takes for it to work. :)
I double dog dare any man who thinks it is easy and safe to run in high stiletto heals to try it themselves.
Are you going to pay for the custom cobbling needed before the hobbling?
Cris Pratt took you up on the challenge: