[Commercial] free Update for Howler 9.5 users - get Howler 9.6 and extra OBJ export feature

If you have PD Howler 9.5 purchased here, there's a free update to 9.6 waiting for you. Contact us with proof of purchase, to request the 9.6 update.
Also, once you have updated to 9.6, there's a new free enhanced exported for OBJ file from 3D Designer.
More about it here:
Finally, we've started a section on using the saved OBJ coming from Howler's 3D Designer, here's the first Tips & Tricks with an article on using the OBJ files in Carrara.
Hope this helps. Thanks for Howling and using it with Carrara and other great tools. Post samples here, would love to see it used with Daz Studio too.